Donald Trump included 73 people, including al ex consejero Steve Bannon and al rapero Lil Wayne

Steve Bannon and Lil Wayne.
Steve Bannon and Lil Wayne.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, indulged in mercenaries for 73 people, including his late Steve Bannon in rapper Lil Wayne, announced the White House, just before the end of its term.

“President Donald J. Trump’s indictment of 73 people and ended the sentences of another 70 people”, said the White House in a statement.

Además Bannon and Lil Wayne, Among the losers is the former rapper Kodak Black, the former chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, Elliott Broidy, and Detroit’s ex-boyfriend Kwame Kilpatrick, who in 2008 was declared guilty of obstruction of justice as part of an accusation of guilt in an investigation into what he and his father accepted openly in exchange for public contracts.

The president and his wife are not on the list.

Bannon receives the indictment by Haber since he accused of defrauding people of the funds raised to build the front wall of Mexico, which was an emblematic policy of Trump.

Sen. Bannon has an important lead in the conservation movement and is known for his political perspective.“, Agregó el communicado.

The media outlets announced earlier that the president took his last-minute decision to speak to Bannon by telephone.

For its part, Lil Wayne’s declaration guilty of possessing an army of fugitives and ammunition by a convicted felon and sentenced 10 years in prison.

Elliott Broidy.
Elliott Broidy.

In December, Trump announced his resignation from campaign president Paul Manafort and ex-husband Roger Stone, citing the most important issues in the lengthy investigation into the 2016 papal paper and presidential elections.

Trump also indulged in Charles Kushner, Trump’s real estate promoter and father, Jared Kushner.

Total, In December, Trump released 26 people and committed the total death toll of three other people.. Elimination eliminates the need to lose weight.

The special interests of Trump led to the attack on the results of the investigation of EU special envoy Robert Mueller on the Russian intrusion and the 2016 presidential campaign, a case in which Trump reiterated the qualification of political bullies.

Además de Manafort y Stone, Trump forgives other important figures from the Russian investigation, the national security guard Michael Flynn and the executor George Papadopoulos.

With AFP information


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