Donald Trump got rid of the pedicos of juicio político and the contrast zone “absolutamente ridículos”

Donald Trump has a loose jardines de la Casa Blanca (AP)
Donald Trump has a loose jardines de la Casa Blanca (AP)

El saliente mandatario estadounidense, Donald Trump, classified as “absolutely ridiculous” the procedures of political juiciness in return initiated this week by Democratic congressmen, who accuse him of having started the violence of the mercenaries passed in the ascent to the Capitol.

In his first public appearance during the Washington Conversation Day, he took a wall visit to the frontier with Mexico, the Republican Leader was consulted and contemplated the possibility of renunciation, also said that he had accepted his mandate, but avoid responding immediately and say: “I do not want more violence. Nunca violencia ”.

Moreover, the questions about it have no responsibility to have arranged for the protesters to march on the Capitol, if their discourse had been followed by “completely appropriate” followers.

Según oorweg al aboard the Marine One helicopter at the Casa Blanca to travel to Texas, the impeachment peddles in the Chamber of Representatives is causing a “tremend ira” in his “algo terrible” and “a continuation of the case of bruises”, terminating with those who habitually refer to the investigation of the tram rush that derives from the first political juices.

Trump's first public statements made during the Capitol rally (Reuters)
Trump’s first public statements made during the Capitol rally (Reuters)

The precedents have no precedent, as Trump is set to be the first president to introduce political juices, while the country is preparing for more disruptions. The FBI advertises the possible armed protests in Washington and many states for the part of Trump’s partisans in front of the Biden Position, scheduled for January 20. In an obscure statement, the Washington Monument was closed to the public and the inauguration ceremony on the west side of the Capitol will be held by the public.

All in all, the impressive final moments of Trump’s presidency as Democrats and a number of Republicans have declared that they are not fit for the load and that they can do more than give incitement to a turmoil that violates the EEU Capitol. passed.

Trump also reiterated this March in the decision on Twitter and Facebook to suspend his personal accounts by considering that his messages are inciting violence. ‘It is a catastrophic error … It is divisive and shows something that has been predicted since time immemorial”, Dijo a la prensa.

The Violence Vivid in the Capitol last week provoked a series of riots between Trump and Pence, which did not take place during the days when the White House was meeting on Monday. A high official said he was discussing the switch. “The students will have a good conversation, discuss about the next week and reflect on the last four years of work and logs of the administration”, added the official.

If Trump did not resign and Pence did not resign para el miercoles, los líderes democratas planean llevar el politico juicio a la Cámara, a week after the strike that obliged legislators to appear during hours and days of five deaths, including a police officer.

The Democrats will present an article of political juiciness on Monday, accusing Trump of inciting a violent insurrection with a speech in which within miles of followers march the famous edifice adopted by the Congress to establish a session to certify the elective President of Victoria Joe Biden on November 3rd. “The President’s agreement with the United States is urgent, and it will also be our action,” said Pelosi. The failure of only the mandate of Trump’s mandates, the probabilities that the Democratic initiative will result in his decision being rejected.

(Relief from AFP and AP)


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