Donald Trump fans sing “traitor” at Mitt Romney on flight from Salt Lake City to Washington, DC

Utah Senator Mitt Romney faced “traitors” while on a flight from Salt Lake City to Washington, DC. A video posted on Twitter appears to have a small group of passengers singing, at least one of whom apparently does not properly wear a mask.

“Thanks, Mitch!” one woman, seen with a mask on her chin that could not cover her mouth and nose, screamed. She accused Romney of not listening to his constituents.

The woman also attempted to link an unfounded conspiracy theory that Romney linked to Ukrainian gas company Burisma and President Joe Biden.

Romney had earlier criticized an investigation into Biden’s son, Hunter, conducted by the Senate Homeland Security Commission, who was named chairman of Burisma while Biden served as vice president. Romney did it vote in favor of issuing summonses in that sin, however.

An additional video posted on Twitter shows Romney being confronted before boarding his flight. In the video, Romney can be seen sitting at a terminal at Salt Lake City Airport. The woman who apparently filmed confronts Romney, claiming he does not support Donald Trump.

Romney appeals to the woman to put on a mask required by the airport, though she claims to be standing six meters away. It then seems as if the woman is getting closer to Romney. She calls Romney a joke and a ‘disgusting shame’ because he did not support Trump’s re-election offer.

Romney could not Mr. Trump in 2020 does not endorse. The former GOP president of 2012 later admitted that he also did not run for Mr. Trump did not vote.

The video was posted by a user whose name, ‘Qtah’, is a clear reference to the conspiracy theory QAnon, which according to the Southern Poverty Law Center is an ‘anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ’ theory that falsely claims that the world was run by a secret cabal of pedophiles who worshiped Satan and planned against President Trump. ‘
