Donald Trump, expels the por vida de Twitter


Have a month, Twitter will close the account indefinitely to, by the way, President of the United States of America. Hoy, the social red has confirmed that the exmandatario is blocked by life.

Trump has in recent days filed a motion of no-confidence motion against him on behalf of Congress, in the politically-appointed court Accusation.

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Hoy, Ned Segal, Twitter’s chief financial officer, interviewing CNBC’s broadcaster, states: “This is how our politics work, when one is eliminated from the platform, eliminated from the platform, he is a commentator, a finance director or an antiguo or current public official “.

In addition, Negal has added that “our policies are designed to ensure that people are not incited to violence. And our politicians do not allow the people to flee“. Segal’s words reaffirm that, even though Trump is reluctant to run in elections, he will not be able to turn to the application.

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The President, Deroted in the Last Elections by the Democrat Joe Biden, use Twitter desde su precandidatura en 2016 a la ‘Casa Blanca’ how to truncate to attack, opinion, question and use in all possible topics, make sure that the presidential mandate and its protocols sign that the president must use the official channel on the platform registered as @POTUS (President of the United States).

For its part, Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, declares a Trump indefinitely “correct decision”: “There was a fall in our time to promote a healthy conversation”, added, in reference to the constant bouts and attacks that the former proposes to rivals, singles and contenders to the traverses of the platform, in which he reaches 88 million followers.
