Donald Trump: Con memes versag ‘n Trump de la presidencia de EE.UU. – People – Culture

After hours of Democrat Joe Biden’s position, The President of the United States, Donald Trump, left the White House next to his wife Melania in the presidential helicopter Marine One.

Trump carried out a petty act of forwarding with his sympathizers at the Andrews (Maryland) military air base, in the wake of Washington. Allí dit was stated that the “four years will have passed” of his presidential mandate and that in the future “will be in some mode”.

(I also read: Without mentioning Biden, Trump published his speech).

He was last seen on Air Force One Presidential plane to direct his private crew in West Palm Beach (Florida).

Although he does not assist in the position of his successor, dijo que le desea to the new administration “mucha suerte y mucho écito”. In fact, an executor of the executive said that the magnate had given a card to Joe Biden before leaving the Casa Blanca.

(We recommend read: Donald Trump gives a card to Joe Biden).

This great event of stadium politics has not disappeared on the internet. Here are Trump’s last hours as leader of the United States and the election ceremony of President-elect Joe Biden and the Vice President-elect Kamala Harris who will be 20 years old, social media users create the #ByebyeTrump trend (Goodbye, goodbye, Trump).

Some Internet users are congratulating Donald Trump on the presidency of the United States, following Twitter of the fun and infallible memes that suelen are always protagonists that cover a big import event.

The most common commemorative forms of entertainment are imagined to be imagined by the magnate’s expressions that seem to have abandoned the White House.

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(Do you read about the app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

Asimism record that the president saliente could not despair of traversing his favorite platform: Twitter. It was debated that the 9th of January the social red would permanently close the Trump account, having determined that it was inconsistent with multiple violations of its standards of conduct. About everything through the Washington Capitol plot protagonized by its followers the 6th of January.

(You may be interested: Guía to understand Biden’s investment: invites and curiosities).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

In her social media as well, he read the legacy that Donald Trump led in the United States.

La Mayoría de comentarios apuntan hacia the bad news that the magnate dio the pandemic of the covid-19, the debilitation of North American democracy lies insistently claiming fraud in the November elections passed and its foreign policy aislacionista market by the retreat of the Paris Accuerd, other acquaintances and institutions.

The story is that with the death of Casa Blanca, I conclude that some turbulent years have been marked by controversy over what will happen to history as the first president of EE. UU. As far as he is concerned with the processes of political enlightenment, the ultimate source is dependent on the Senate.

(Also known as: Trump, is the subject of an expulsion from the Hollywood Actors’ Union).

(Do you read about the app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

(¿Nos lee desde la app? Vea here the meme of Donald Trump’s salute to the White House).

Take the mediocre day of these schools, Joe Biden juror as the 46 º president of the United States. In the act are the former Democratic presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton in Republican Republican George W. Bush.

(Siga leyendo: Diversity and experience in the Biden and Kamala Harris cabinet).

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