Dominican Republic detects case of new British variant

(CNN Español) – Dominican Republic informs este viernes that detected the first case of covid-19 with the variant of Reino Unido.

According to the Gabinete de Salud, which encounters the vice-president of the country, Raquel Peña, was treated by a Dominican woman who was lying on a flight from London at the end of December. The official communication states that the results of the positive test of the female bull were analyzed by the Centers for Control and Prevention of EE.UU. (CDC, by its seals in English), which detects the presence of the new British cepa.

The Islamic State has shown that its PCR test is negative. Report that teams from the General Directorate of Epidemiology will be following up and testing with negative results in all of their parenting and contacts in their community. Aggregate that no cases are detected with persons compatible with covid-19.

The Ministry of Public Health confirmed 188,969 cases of coronavirus and 2,432 deaths.
