Dollar-TRM hoy | Home, variations and price of the dollar in Colombia today, January 19, 2021

News items from Economy

La cambio comenzó la jornada con una caida haas de $ 20, pero se recuperó y cerró con een alza de $ 15 hasta los $ 3,491

During its first week of the week, given that this Monday was a holiday in the United States on the day of Martin Luther King, the dollar in Colombia started paying more than $ 20,454.

Without embarrassment, the few minutes the division started to recover and ended with a $ 15 al ha of the $ 3,491.

In spite of volatility, the Colombian peso has come to the fore as the inversionists continue to show interest in emerging markets.

The weight also showed the effect of the recovery of the crude: only this March the oil Brent, the reference that the Colombia (Ecopetrol) usa, presents a rate of 1.19% on top of US $ 55 per barrel.

Without embarrassment, this March, an information was sent to the International Energy Agency explaining that it will be necessary for the time being for the petrol demand to be recovered, even if there are more prospects for the sector.

“The global vacancy gap will increase this year, as far as the offer and demand are concerned through the fall of 2020,” the IAI said in a statement. For this reason, the global demand forecast for 2021 is 96.6 mbd (+5.5 mbd).
