Dollar-TRM hoy | Home, variations and price of dollar in Colombia today 4 January

News items from Economy

Although the dollar began to rise with fire, it closed the first quarter of this year with a maximum of $ 20 ha of $ 3,449.

During its first year of the dollar in Colombia, there was volatile behavior. Starting to pay more than $ 20 ha $ 3,404 increased optimism during the vacancy campaigns against COVID-19. But finally the division closed with an alza of $ 20, situated at the $ 3,449, debited in the early hours that have been in the agreement of the OPEP + and by the elections in Georgia United States.

Since December 28, the change case has lost $ 80 due to a combination of ales in the price of petrol and optimism in front of the cars of COVID-19.

Hecho, these moons the European bolsas will react positively to the advances in vacancies in the United Kingdom: the British nation is converting into the first country to use the vacancy of AstraZeneca / Oxford.

Asimismo, the markets are waiting for the meeting of these countries of the Organization of Petroleum Exporters (OPEP) and its allies. The block will be decided in advance with its plan to open moderately the griffins in February, in a 500,000 diary barrel.

Without embargo, the restrictions on the expansion of COVID-19 in large numbers and the foreseeable future of consumption will increase an obstacle to increase crude production.

The dollar in Colombia has been rising steadily since the beginning of the month: since the results of the vacancies against the COVID-19 have been announced, large amounts of investment have been regressed in emerging markets. Only in November will the US $ 76,500 million fundraising fund administrators in developing country titles, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF, by its English seal).

The phenomena took place in the changing bag and lost $ 400 in weekly sales, passing $ 3,800 for about $ 3,400. It is hoped that the dollar in Colombia will rise to pre-pandemic levels, as well as the most recent Financial Opinion Survey by federal analysts, which hopes to split $ 3,450 in the first quarter of 2021.
