Dollar price February 22nd

To start operations the price of dollars hoy lunes es de hasta 21.05 pesos en bancos. En tanto, el cambio type Interbank is trading at 20.78 pesos per dollar, with a loss of 1.74 per cent.

BBVA Mexico vende el dólar en 21.05, Banorte y Santander of 20.75 y Banco Azteca of 20.26 units.

El peso was depreciated by the sixth century in a row and operated at its highest level in more than three months before the global economic recovery and the impact on local industry that caused gas debris in northern Mexico last week.

What is the type of change?

Bank basis explained in a report that the peso initiates the session with a significant depreciation to a maximum of 20.81 pesos, the highest level of the cambio since 6 November 2020. The month is observed as the most depreciated division, followed by the Turkish lira at 1.46 per cent and the South African rand at 1.29 per cent. The depreciation of the peso is mainly due to three factors:

1. The dollar estadunidense followed relatively strongly, with the index weighted 0.07 per cent this month, ahead of the expectations of a mayor inflation in United States acknowledges that the economy is recovering and that Joe Biden’s administration is pushing for a new package of 1.9 trillion fiscal estimates that is expected to be approved in the Chamber of Representatives el viernes 26 to be sent to Senado, with the intention of approving before March 14.

2. Advance in the evacuation process relative to other economies. Divisions of countries such as the United Kingdom and Chile that showcase relatively high vacancy rates (27.8 and 15.1 for every 100 residents respectively), their months are among the most appreciated since 5 February.

3. Finale follow up the perception of risk with respect to Mexico. The four passed the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approving the ruling of the reform of the Electricity, which claims to be a priority of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in the electricity department. On February 23, the reform will be discussed and sometime will be put to the vote in the Cámara Baja. It will be approved at the latest in the Senate Chamber of Deputies to be published as of April. One of the main preoccupations is with the T-MEC, on possible sanctions and international demands for compliance.

It is estimated that Mexico only has natural gas inventories of 1.5 to 3 days, for which electricity is distributed in some parts of the country, as the previous week, while in the United States gas cadastral deposits natural.

For another reason, the Secretariat of Health published a decree in the Official Diary of the Federation with the details of the tax assessments in Pemex applicable to the fiscal ownership of 2021, which will allow you to deduct approximately 73 million pounds and reduce it paid by Derecho de Utilidad Compartida from 58 to 54 per cent.

Dollar in real time

El euro for sale in Ventanilla for a maximum of 25.73 pesos and for sale at 25.20 pesos. For its part, the book esterlina is offered at 28.05 pesos and is available at 29.00 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) recorded the session previewing a change of 20.41 pesos for dollars.

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