Dollar High | High dollar price in Colombia January 27, 2021 | TRM | Finances | Economy

The dollar in Colombia is great this Wednesday marks the level of $ 3,600, to negotiate with a force such as the jornada de hoy.

Agreed with the Bolsa de Valores, the foreign currency will be sold at a premium price of $ 3,635, that is to say, 44 pesos in front of the TRM of the day which is $ 3,591.

(The Colombian peso, the month of peor desempeño este año).

The stadium division is not expected to receive $ 3,600 since November 30, when it raised $ 3,611.

Agreed with Bloomberg, the Colombian peso converts in the month with peer loss in the year of this year between 31 principal months.

The long-term weight loss during the last quarter of a century, according to an operator, the accounts in the extraterrestrial are the principal purchasers of dollars. The Colombian currency surpassed the $ 3,400- $ 3,525 per capita limit, in effect from November.

Ahora se dirige hacia $ 3,650, the ultimate barrier to getting rid of your 200-day mobile bill for $ 3,710.
