Dog food reminiscent of salmonella, listeria: FDA

Beware, pet owners: certain dog foods are facing because they can be infected with salmonella and listeria, according to a recall notice posted on the Food and Drug Administration’s website this week.

Bravo Packing, Inc., which is based in New Jersey, said in a recall notice posted on the FDA website on Wednesday that it has all its sleeves of its Ground Beef and Performance Dog, frozen raw pet food, of 2 pounds and 5 pounds recall. products are infected with the two types of bacteria.

Although no diseases in humans or pets have been reported so far, the recall began after samples from Performance Dog and a Ground Beef sample tested positive for salmonella and listeria monocytogenes after an FDA inspection, according to the recall notice.

‘Pets with Salmonella infections can be sluggish and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Some pets have a reduced appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Pets exposed to contaminated food can become infected without showing symptoms. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, contact your veterinarian, “reads the recall notice.” Infected animals, including those without symptoms, can also shed Salmonella through their feces and saliva, spreading pathogens in the home environment and at people and other animals in the household. “

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In humans, the symptoms of salmonella usually develop 1 to 72 hours after being exposed to the bacterium. Most people develop diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. The disease usually lasts four to seven days and most people recover without treatment, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“In some people, the disease can be so severe that the patient has to be hospitalized,” according to the CDC. “Salmonella infection can spread from the intestines to the bloodstream and then to other places in the body.”

Federal health officials say children under the age of 5, pregnant women, adults 65 and older, and people with a weakened immune system are likely to have a serious illness.


Listeria monocytogenes, meanwhile, is an organism that, according to the FDA, can sometimes ’cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, the weakened or elderly, and others with a weakened immune system’. “Although healthy individuals can only suffer from short-term symptoms such as high fever, headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea, Listeria monocytogenes infection can cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.”

The pet food is distributed nationwide, with both Performance Dog and Ground Beef coming in frozen plastic sleeves of 2 pounds or 5 pounds. Consumers who have purchased one of the foods are asked to throw them away.
