Does Eduardo Yáñez have a cancer?

Have a day, if you know how to do it Eduardo Yáñez había was hospitalized because he was conducting a procedure against the cancer of childbirth. Ante ello, the actor actually explained the statement of his su estado de salud. “It’s not real”, explained the Mexican television program Ventaneando (Aztec TV).

“It’s to be published that cancer is something more serious,” he warned. “Predicting cancer for a while is like going to my death and getting to the extreme”.

Yáñez explained that the decision to discuss this topic was considered personal and professional by a court of law. “On other occasions I have not heard of him saying that many media outlets have told me. But this time I have been questioned because I have not been bothered by my salute. I can also diminish my job opportunities as a producer or a director who stays in a bad situation, medically unhealthy, delicacy of health “, aggregate.

The protagonist of the telenovela Distilando amor Explain that the verdict is that the pad and the ball are completely recovered. “My situation in the region is resuscitated. I have a pair of peas that I need and operate on; I have met with respectful interventions and I have found a perfect state of health, but nothing to do with cancer,” he said.


<em>Mezcalent </em> Eduardo Yáñez sera esposo de Mayrín Villanueva en Si nos dejan “src =” “data-src =”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhpm2. .com / es / people_en_espa_ol_155 / 452a5edab3e61ea793a016dd5192444e “/><noscript><img alt=Mezcalent Eduardo Yáñez sera esposo de Mayrín Villanueva en Si nos dejan “src =”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3/5__55_25__54_ “class =” caas-img “/>

Mezcalent Eduardo Yáñez will be Mayrín Villanueva’s Speaker

“The second operation took place a month and was incorporated later in my normal activities of ownership, selling quotes, moving through here,” he said. “[Me siento] less gruesome [bromeó] because those dollars will be what you have [molesto]”.

Now, Eduardo Yáñez makes sure that “you are perfectly recovered” and you can “work or perform any activity”. Without embarrassment, it will take new care, if necessary, to avoid overcoming the problem. “It’s a much healthier diet than what is acceptable and able to pass on these things and learn the lesson”.

This is the complete video of the Eduardo Yáñez compartment on his greetings:


IN VIDEO: Salma Hayek’s Curious Company
