Does Danilo Carrera have a new story over the rupture with Michelle Renaud?

Here’s how to put Martha Figueroa on the program With Permiso: “The fans (of Danilo Carrera) who saw him for all the lads say that he was supervising the rupture with Michelle because he had a new romance and because in Miami he was having a nightmare called Valeria Gutiérrez. Ya los habían visto juntos varias veces.

Danilo appears to have apologized for saying: ‘Nee, nee, es la hermana de mis amigos’. And what can you do with the herman of your friends? Yes! ”, Comment Figueroa al respecto. ”.

For its part, Valeria has not responded respectfully, taking action in its social speeches without making allusions to the rumors.

Follow the Facebook page Camino a la Corona Mej. Ecuador , Valeria is the Official Candidate for Miss Universe Ecuador 2021. The same page says that the model is 21 years old, resides in Miami, and is a professional model.
