Does Ana María Polo have a romance with a ‘Caso Cerrado’ detective?

MIAMI, ESTADOS UNIDOS.-Fue la misma Ana María Polo who lived the rumors of a possible romance with one of the detectives of the famous program “Caso Cerrado”.

The sympathetic doctor Polo published a picture next to the detective Frank Peñate, with whom he had been sentimentally sent in the last months.

“¿Quién está amamorado de quién … ???!”, Escribió la famosa abogada en el post donde apéparée de detective dôndole un beso en la mejilla mientras müstran en un cellular un articulo que asegura que son parjeja.

VEA: Asia was the life of the Dra. Ana María Polo con su expareja

To call it rumors, the lawyer says that this “chism” will recreate the social speeches of 2019, but simply his very good friends.

Ana María Polo has always maintained his very private life and has just confirmed an amorous relationship.

This is the publication:
