Dockless E-scooters officially coming to New York this summer

Illustration for the article titled The Scooters Are Coming

Photo: Fiona Goodall / Stringer (Getty Images)

If you are one of thesee short types who delight in the absentrance of a fleet of flaming, doklose scooters up to this point in the streets of New York City, there’s bad news: the scooters are coming and they’ll be here by summer.

On Wednesday, the Department of Transportation in New York (DOT) announced that Bird, lime in Veo had everyone is accepted as the first participants in the guinea pig to his new e-scooter pilot. The three companies are expected to start offer rides in the Bronx by early summer 2021, and everyone will get stock 1,000 electric scooters that customers can get ready fora.

“After a competitive selection process, Bird, Lime and Veo unveil e-scooter models and pricing plans that will allow most rides for less than $ 5,” NYC DOT said in a statement. “New bike lanes planned for the pilot zone over the next two years will also improve the mobility and safety of e-scooters.”

Similar to dockless scooter and bikeshare apps, dockless e-scooters allow riders to track, unlock and pay for their ride using a smartphone app. According to the DOT, many e-scooter systems “use designated parking lots to organize vehicles, reduce sidewalk clutter and ensure a clear right of way. ”

While Bird and Lime are already nationally recognized scooter brands access available in cities across the US, the Chicago-based company VeoRide is a smaller operation, en offers both standing and sitting versions of his scooters.

Although the enters program will be expected only for a year, DOT will the option to the participating companies’ licenses at the end of that term. The announcement follows a process of selecting a competitive request for a permit proposal that the DOT opened in October and before that a series of important obstacles in the regulation and infrastructure that e-scooter manufacturers had to clean before electric vehicles were on throttle finally legalized in the budget agreement for the financial year 2021. Up to that point, the city of New York remained a stubborn to hold out by the advent of e-bikes and e-scooters, despite a vocal contingent of advocates for micro-mobility what had argued that such vehicles are invaluable to certain groups, including the city’s navy immigrant deliverers and all that is not easy public access transportation options.

Interestingly, the pilot’s rules prevent all three participating companies from using ‘gig’ labor to load and recharge the scooters, and also prevent them from forcing customers to agree to terms of service that require binding arbitration or provisions for exemption from class actions.

Although the pilot of Bird, Lime and VeoRide will be limited to the Bronx this summer, there are already plans to increase access to other inferior transit deserts. and allows participating companies to increase their number of scooters in operation to 2,000 pieces if all goes well.
