Do you want to check check: ¿Cuándo llegará? What do you have to do to receive it? | Univision Diner News

A third check for an estimate, on this occasion of $ 1,400, is more than a lie that the Senate dio luz verde on the plan proposed by President Joe Biden. The $ 1.9 billion package (trillion in English) is expected to be voted on in the Chamber of Deputies this March, with its initial text being amended.

The plan shows the level of $ 1,400 for each eligible person, $ 2,800 for the married couples and $ 1,400 for the dependent. Asimismo, includes extender haste September benefits federal benefits by example and a new medium that can alleviate the tax burden for women who are receiving this aid in mid-wave of the pandemic.

We will explain their choices for this new ‘economic impact payment’, which dependents will be included in this time and if they need to take any action for receipt, among other things.

