Do you want a placebo? If the result of a phase 3 study is known

(CNN Español) – The doctor Elmer Huerta received this March the vaccine of Moderna against the coronavirus. The Huerta doctor was part of the study of Modern and the National Institutes of Health of the United States.

During phase 3 of the study, Dr. Huerta will receive the placebo vaccine in August 2020.

In this episode we know what the administration was about the placebo and we know the process that follows a person who participated in a clinical study now that the vaccine was approved.

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Hello, soja el Dr. Elmer Huerta and this is his diary dose of information about the new coronavirus, information that we hope will be useful to take care of his health and that of his family.

El Dr. Huerta is chosen for the studio of Moderna

It was very emotional for me to relate – in the episodes of August 19 and 20 – my participation as a volunteer in the Phase 3 study of the Modern in the United States.

Despatches from haber led the published scientific studies on the development of this vaccine, concluded that the benefits of participating on the basis of – for many – the possible risks of the experimental vaccine.

Currently, Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies have demonstrated that the vaccine is capable of protecting against the new coronavirus infection and that the secondary effects are limited to the size of the injection, fat, fever, pain of cabeza and escalofríos. It seems that many people are trying to escape from the flu.

The Phase 3 study, as an objective, quantifies the level of effectiveness of the vaccine and discovers new possible secondary effects.

The law of having signed up and received the initial telephone call, accepted as voluntary.

Do you want a placebo? Everything is a question of azar

After the interview, firm the informed consent, and read the most important moment of the study: the sort of a computer that determination if you have received the placebo or the vacancy.

There was a very special moment because of the injection that I had to give it was determined by the azar; no hubo nada que yo pudiera hacer para influir en lo que me iban a inyectar.

This is how the 19th of August received the first injection and the second of the 14th of September. Geen sabía lo que me etablan inyectando nie.

For the sake of completeness of sins, always suppose that she receives the placebo, but after that, in the study of the preliminary studies of phase 3, discover that many volunteers have not presented anything at all, in such a way that the mystery continues throughout these months.

Modern Study for the Vaccine: What is the guarantor of the injection?

At this time, the study was to recruit the 30,000 volunteers needed and as described in the November 16 episode, a preliminary analysis of the revealed data that the vaccine had set up an 94.5% efficacy to prevent infection.

This is why, as well as the descriptions in the episode of December 18, the Administration of Medicines and Foods of EE.UU. authorize Moderna’s vaccine for its application in human emergency care.

Have a couple of seminars, and complete the agreement with the volunteers, the coordinators of our communication that will study due diligence, in the next few days, it is possible to know if during the study we received the placebo or the vacancy.

The result of the study: Did you receive the vaccine or the placebo?

Pues is this day. I quoted it in the hospital and revealed the secret code of my participation in the study.

Había received the placebo, because the procedure was to remove the vaccine, the one that was accepted, and then to sign a new informed consent, I vacunaron in the male izquierdo.

The reason for counting this episode of my vacation as an object resells the value of science in this pandemic.

First of all, I am very pleased that my participation in the study has contributed to demonstrating that the vaccine is safe and effective and that many people can benefit from it.

In the second place, there is a very interesting participant in a double-headed study, in which neither the person studied (in this case yo) nor his doctors know which product has been administered.

And thirdly, in less than a year, we will record that the genome of the virus has been known by various Chinese internet scientists since the 11th of 2020, the scientist has obtained a weapon that is applied to millions of people.

This rapid development does not have to be sacrificing the steps required to develop an effective and secure job.

The importance of the vaccine and clinical studies

The clinical stage studies, it is said, that which are human, have respected the scientific canons and published results in scientific reviews, have documented a very high efficiency to prevent the infection and record minor effects.

There have been various times since I was vaccinated and if there was a bit of pain in the man, I was told about the pain that was present after the vaccination against the flu. Hopefully other secondary effects will be present in the next days, before receiving the second dose on February 2nd.

Because it’s safe, I’m very pleased to have received an extra coat of protection, avoiding being infected with a virus that is unpredictable in its effect.

If you have been hospitalized, you can have 80% of the people who develop a liver disease, and 15% who develop a more severe disease and about 5% of those who are hospitalized, are complicated and can die .

The thought with the queer dejarles is: no piensen in which vacuna before or after. Piensen en lo que haran cuando tengan la oportunidad de vacunarse. It’s decided to make and protect.

Do you have any questions about coronavirus?

We will post your questions on Twitter, we intend to respond to our upcoming episodes. You can find in @DrHuerta. You have not responded yet.

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