Do you suffer from body acne? Cosmetic doctor reveals how to treat blemishes before summer

While summer is on its way, many will be excited to put on their winter clothes, but for those with acne on the body, it can be difficult to feel comfortable with the skin.

Dr Rekha Tailor, a leading non-surgical cosmetic specialist based in Surrey, has revealed why people get stains on their bodies and how they can treat them in time for the warmer months at home.

She advised weakening sugary foods for a Mediterranean diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, trying out a chemical peel and making sure you use the right products when you wash yourself.

The doctor advised to avoid tight clothing and rather choose natural materials like cotton and silk as this is the best way to let air circulate naturally through the skin and prevent it from building up in the pores.

Dr Rekha Tailor, a leading cosmetic specialist without surgery in Surrey, revealed why people get stains on their body and how to treat them at home.  Stock image

Dr Rekha Tailor, a leading cosmetic specialist without surgery in Surrey, revealed why people get stains on their body and how to treat them at home. Stock image

Use the right products

The key to treating acne at home is the control of oil production and the effective removal of dead skin. Ensuring that you have an oil care range and that you avoid serums is essential as the oil in those products can only aggravate acne.

Look for non-foaming cleaners as this will stimulate oil production and ensure that your products are non-comedogenic. It allows your skin to breathe and prevents your pores from clogging.

If your symptoms affect your life, discuss a consultation with your doctor who will be able to prescribe a suitable treatment plan, combining treatments such as laser therapy and skin care medical products.

There are also a number of things you can do at home to treat it, including cleaning twice a day. For women, the combined oral contraceptive pill may help, but each patient should be treated on an individual basis.

The doctor advised using topical retinoids to remove dead skin cells and prevent buildup.  Stock image

The doctor advised using topical retinoids to remove dead skin cells and prevent buildup. Stock image

The best ingredients to treat acne in the body

Topical retinoids work well on the skin – they work by removing the dead skin cells on the surface of the epidermis and improving the turnover to prevent it from building up in hair follicles.

It is important to visit a specialist who prescribes the right medical skin care regimen for your individual needs (note that it is not suitable for use if you are pregnant).

It may also help to get antibiotic cream or tablets that your doctor prescribes. Topical benzoyl peroxide is an antibiotic that reduces the bacteria on the skin. It also helps reduce inflammation.

Azalea acid is an effective treatment for both mild hormonal and cystic acne. Products that contain it help reduce swelling and inflammation, as well as block pores and cause acne bacteria.

Best of all, it is considered safe to use during pregnancy, so pregnant people who have acne or rosacea give an excellent skin care option.

What causes acne in the body?

A common misconception is that it is caused by eating chocolate, fatty foods or dirt, but this is absolutely not the case.

Acne vulgaris, or common acne, forms in the same way on the body as in the face, but the difference between acne on the body and the face is that the skin on the body is tougher and less flexible around the pores.

We have pores all over our body, but it is more noticeable on our faces, where the sebaceous glands are larger. Like the face, the upper half of the body has many sebaceous glands, which is why acne on the chest and back often occurs.

Apart from the location of acne, body acne is often caused by sweating and can be aggravated by clothes that rub against the skin and create an environment that aggravates it.

How to prevent spots from spreading across your body

You can prevent it from spreading by trying not to touch it as you touch the bacteria that cause acne.

It is also advisable to keep the area clean and to wear clothes that breathe the skin, such as natural cotton fibers.

Healthy eating habits

Although it is not usually caused solely by diet and lifestyle alone, these factors can also dramatically affect the skin.

Eating a healthy balanced diet and drinking plenty of water can have a significant impact, as well as reducing alcohol, caffeine and sugar.

Step away from processed foods and unhealthy snacks and move on to a Mediterranean diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and good protein sources like fish, along with more complex carbohydrates (brown bread, brown rice and pulse).

By adjusting your eating habits, you can avoid rapidly increasing your blood sugar and insulin levels, which will cause an outbreak of spots. The extra benefits of the nutrients and vitamins provided by fresh fruits, vegetables and salads will enhance your skin.


There are two types of exfoliation – manual (scrubbing) or chemical. I recommend chemical exfoliation over mechanical because I find that people often over-scrub, which can traumatize and damage their skin.

Look for products that contain glycolic, lactic, malic and salicylic acids to get a glowing skin. Ideally, I recommend using an exfoliator two to three times a week to reap the benefits of removing dead skin cells without exfoliating too much and causing damage to your skin.

Washing your back in the shower and using something like a loofah or a long brush can be a great way to keep your back clean, open pores and reduce the outbreaks of bacne. And make sure you wash the area regularly, especially after doing anything that makes the skin sweat. Also, try not to touch the area too often.

Washing towels, underwear, pillowcases and bedding more often can also help eliminate the bacteria.

Things to avoid

Clothes that do not breathe easily and products that may be too oily for the skin.

Usually, natural materials like cotton and silk are the best way to circulate air naturally around the skin, which reduces the amount of sweat produced and helps the skin.

The key to treating acne at home is to control the oil production and remove dead skin effectively. To ensure that you have an oil care range and that you should avoid serums as the oil in those products will aggravate acne.
