Do you need grass for a healthy diet?

Burden fat son essential macronutrients y desempeñan a vital papel in the diet of people. The importance of the consumption of grasses is greater than its caloric intake, which forms part of the cellular membranes, ayudan to regular body temperature, support the transport of liposoluble vitamins, among other functions.

The debate turns to his consumption is related to nurses as obesity and diabetes. Ante esto, NotiPress consult a Paola Shue, professional nutritionist and manager of corporate support and communication for Latin America Upfield Latin America, about the consumption of grasses, and especially those of original vegetable origin.

When lipids are swollen, they must identify those saturated and unsaturated grasses. Asimismo, the group of insureds are divided into monoinsaturadas and polyinsaturadas. El grass consumption has been satanized in recent times debited to the strong relationship between the gut of saturated grass and cardiovascular disease development.

With respect, Shue commented «Not all grasses have the same profile, as we have the scientific evidence that if we consume a mayor’s proportion of grasses ‘saludable’ behavior as mono and polyunsaturated, we will contribute to the care of our organism ». There is no scientific information on the health benefits of consuming grasses. To exist, world-level regulatory bodies do not allow it to be used by all companies around the world to incorporate foods into food, the specialist explained.

Saturated grass

Among the main sources of foods containing saturated grasses, is the coco aceite (84%), cocoa manteca (62%), grass (55%) and the palm oil (50%), between others. With relation to the palm of the palm, many times it is substituted by other thick grasses with a mayor proportion of saturated grass, like the cocoa butter. It responds to the decision of the food producers debited the critical numbers, without embarrassment, always considering in its analysis the point of view of science.

Shue dice, el excess of saturated grasses, however, the excess of soda or of anything, can be judged for the salute. «Any food or food consumed in excess can provoke an imbalance in the human body»It exemplifies that taking water in excess is also negative for the organism. One of the criticisms of the vegetable oils is related to its refining process.

A study published on August 26, 2019 of the Polytechnic University of Madrid señala, «the choice of any pronunciation of the scientific community regarding the effects of palm oil in the health of the consumer has meant that the message to the public in general has mainly dealt with the media of communication and, in general, sea sesgado and incomplete«.

Debit to the importance of the papel of the grasses in the diet of people, the specialist of Upfield suggest orientationhow to decide on a adequate nutrition and balance, according to the characteristics of each person. It is not only possible to restrict a determined group of foods, it is necessary to find a beneficial balance that contributes to the bienestar de las personas.
