Do you enter under the principle of Felipe?

London. The mortal remains of the Duke of Edimburg will be deposited in the real pantheon near the Chapel of San Jorge, adjacent to the castle of Windsor, where this burial took place the funeral took place on the 9th and 99th anniversary.

Although the atheist of the principle of Philip, consort of Queen Isabel II for 73 years, will initially be in this script, it is disputed that when the British monarch died, she was transferred to the commemorative chapel of King Jorge VI of the Gothic Church so that the matrimony is entered in the same place.

This diminutive family memorial temple, located in Windsor, cobija además the mortal remains of the father of the reina, Jorge VI, the reina madre and the hermana pequeña of Isabel II, the princess Margarita.

In an annex annexed to the north of the Iglesia in 1969 there is one of the black ones engraved on the column with the inscription: “Jorge VI” and “Isabel”, in bold letters, accompanied by the faces of his ancestors and deaths.

Hoy, tras finalize the service, the ataud of the duke series bathed with an electric machinery to the real crypt near the capilla of San Jorge, donde located in a catafalco on a lot of marble.

This real pantheon in Windsor was created between 1804 and 1810 by Jorge III, which failed in 1820, and today is one of the three monarchs entered here, along with Jorge IV and Guillermo IV.

Other members of the real estate community in this house are the wife of Jorge III, Queen Carlota and he married Princess Amelia, as well as the wife of George IV, Princess Carlota and the father of Queen Victoria, Duke of Kent.

Princess Margarita, a little sister of Isabel II, who failed in 2002, was incited and his actions were initially carried out in the same way. después.

Margarita quiso is incinerated because, she explained in her statement to a close friend, Lady Glenconner, the alternative to being interred (in Frogmore) the demiseed “tenebrosa” parish.
