Do we need to use N95 mascarillas or such tapas?

(CNN Español) – Use the no mascara and what type is one of the most debated topics since the beginning of the pandemic, to make sure there is evidence that users are experiencing the pandemic.

There is now a recommendation to use the N95 masks is generating conversation. Germany and Austria are paying their residents who use these mascarillas specifically, the N95 or KN95 and not them.

What does the World Health Organization say? What do you recommend to follow? The Doctor Huerta explains this episode.

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Hello, Elmer Soy Doctor Huerta and this is his dose of information about the new coronavirus. Information that we hope will help us to take care of our health and that of our family.

The use of mascarilla: what is said at the beginning of the pandemic

We all record the controversy over the use of mascarillas that are linked to the pandemic.

In this opportunity, one of the principal organizations of world health, the World Health Organization (OMS) in the Centers for the Control and Prevention of United States States (CDC), desalentaban the use of mascara for the people Algeme, aanbeveling solo para aquellas personas que presentaban sintomas respiratorios.

The reason, decian, was that there was a relative escarpment of mascarillas and had the duty of que, if the public the usaba, the workers of the health no podrían accede to them. It is said that there are no scientific studies that suggest the use of mascara for the general population.

However, as we saw in the April 6 episode, the CDC exchanged its recommendation, debating multiple investigations that revealed that microscopic aerosols had secretions secreted into the abdomen, causing it to become important contours.

The exchange of recommendations of the OMS

By giving a very slow reaction, until the first week of June the OMS changes its recommendation, having the required mascarillas used by all the persons.

During the following months, as we saw in the episodes of July 13, July 31 and September 22, it was established that the aerosols were the most important source of contact with the new coronavirus.

Now there has been a new controversy, in that it has doubled the efficiency of such mascarillas, having some European countries that recommend that the population should use a N95 respirator.

The OMS, for its part, says that the masks of this day should be used by the general public.

The N95 mascarillas: why have a controversy over its use?

Antes advances, we record that, in general, mascarillas are of three types: teles, chirurgicals and respirators, which in United States are denominated N95, in China are known as KN95 and in Europe are FFP1 and FFP2 (FFP vien del inglés Filtering Facepieces).

Now, as public announcement, Europe is facing a very difficult moment of the pandemic.

For a barn, the cases, the hospitalizations and the deaths caused by covid-19 are record numbers and, for another barn, as we saw in the episode of the 5th of January, a very contagious variant of it was detected in the United Kingdom virus, which is thought to be able to contribute to this increase in cases and deaths.

Ante this situation, the Governor of the German state of Bavaria disposes that, from the 18th of January, the Public Mayor of 15 years must use a mandatory FFP2 respirator (which is the equivalent of the N95) to enter the tithes and to use the public transport.

On the 19th of January, the German governor disposed that the means of using this type of mascara was applied throughout the country, extending his use of the tithes and public transport to the work centers.

For its part, the Government of Austria has disposed of the same since the 25th of January and the Government of France is considering the same, although it has not closed any doors.

What does the OMS say about the use of N95 mascara?

Ante esas dispositions, the doctor María Van Kerkhove, responsible for the management of the pandemic of the OMS, dijo -de accord with the agency AFP– that the countries are free to make the recommendations that estimate convenient, for the mascarillas of it is only to protect the variants of the new coronavirus in the general population and no one should make any recommendations.

According to the OMS, the persons who need to use a respirator are the health workers, persons with covid-19 symptoms, the persons who come into contact with them, the mayors of 60 years and persons with medical conditions.

Undoubtedly, we repeat the controversy that we find in the beginning of the pandemic: we will follow the recommendations of the countries that are affected or we will follow the recommendations of the OMS.

What does science say?

I do not know that the respirators are superior to the surgical mascarillas and the mascarillas in their efficiency to filter the air they breathe to the users.

The efficiency of such mascarillas varies between 26 and 80%, depending on the type of water that is employed and the number of hairs. The surgeons have the same filtration capacity as the telephones, but less than the respirators, which generally filter more than 90% of the particles we breathe.

More, he has published studies that demonstrate, lie to dudas, that the respirators are superior to the mascarillas of tela and chirurgical.

Pero las preguntas bly:

Are you in the right place to recommend European countries in recommending the use of respirators to their pupils without having to be the only scientist who refuses to keep the new variant of the virus?

Is it correct for the OMS to hold scientific studies that protect respirators against the variants of the new coronavirus before recommending them to the general public?

Both positions have sympathizers and detractors.

We think we have general rules that we can follow:

  1. Use some type of protection is better than nothing.
  2. If you do not have the option to use a respirator, you can use a double mascara, a chirururgical and a tela.
  3. This is a personal opinion: creo that if you have the facility to acquire and use a respirator, it will be convenient to use it and use it, before hoping to study.

Do you have any questions about coronavirus?

We will post your questions on Twitter, we intend to respond to our upcoming episodes. You can find in @DrHuerta. You have not responded yet.

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