Disturbing forces in Argentine city by regression to restricted quarantine

Encouragement between police and protesters will take place in the Argentine city of Formosa, in the north of the country, in a protest provoked by the decision of the provincial authorities to regress to the more restricted phase of the quarantine for the covid-19.

The gas repression policy with gasses and balms of protesters leading the case of the governor’s house of the province of Formosa, in the center of homonymous city, where derbarion vallas of security.

The province of Formosa is located near and does not allow the entry of persons from other zones of the country. In addition, there are reports of abuse in Islam centers for the viruses and suspects of the virus.

Frontier with Paraguay, is one of the provinces that has adopted more duras in the context of the pandemic. In the last year, a maximum of 1,300 cases were accumulated.

Manifestante, many of them in the informal sector of the economy, mark these fires in the grit of “we will work”.

About 60 people were detained, councilor Gabriela Neme said, who suffered a brace fracture during the protest.

Following the Periodical Encyclopedia of Argentina, a periodical fue herido with gum bales and other quedo detained during his coverage of the protest.

Images and force of reproduction are multiplied in social speeches.

The protesters rebuke the announcement of the governor Gildo Insfrán from which during the proximas dos semanas Formosa passes to phase 1 of the quarantine, the mayor restriction in the activities, debido to which in the city of one 250,000 inhabitants se confirmation of these fours 17 new covid-19 cases.

“We do not justify this type of violent action. We call it reflection and invite everyone to complain about the realities of the pacifist manner”, Verklaar provincial government minister Jorge Abel González said in a statement ratifying the restriction.

– “Work, study and circular libremente” –

The repression of the protests was carried out by parties in the political opposition and also by the governor of Alberto Fernández, a center-right figure who belongs to the peronism, as well as the governor Insfrán.

“The State must guarantee the free expression of citizenship. In moments of collective anguish, there is first and foremost serenity. Violence is never the culmination. And much less institutional violence,” Santiago Cafiero wrote on Twitter .

“Formosnoos solo quieren trabajar, studiiar y circular libremente. La respueste del goberno son balas de goma y gases. Insto a Insfrán a detener la representión”, verklaar el senador Luis Naidenoff, representative de es provincia por la Union Civica Radical (socialdemócratas) .

The United Nations Office in Argentina also expresses its “preoccupation” with the guarantee of respect for human rights in the market of sanitary policies against covid-19.

Argentina, with 44 million inhabitants, has 1.2 million contagions and 52,000 coronavirus deaths.
