Disney + must bring back some agents of SHIELD characters

Agents of SHIELD may have ended in 2020, but that will not stop this superfan from writing about it until 2021 and beyond. As long as the higher powers here on ComicBook.com allow me, I’ll be excited Agents of SHIELD and his characters until I die (or no longer work here, whichever comes first). Now this WandaVision ‘s premiere at Disney + has begun an exciting new era of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We are about to launch a highly anticipated series of series such as The falcon and the winter soldier and Loki with more shows like Hawkeye currently in production. While Agents of SHIELD had the perfect broadcast, I believe some of the characters of the show deserve to appear on Disney + again.

Before we begin, it should be noted that this is not about the cannon debate. While I insist that Agents of SHIELD is an MCU canon and will base some of my arguments on it, is not it really case. We supposedly get Charlie Cox’s Daredevil in the next Spider man film and James D’Arcy’s Jarvis of Agent Carter already arrived in Avengers: Endgame. Why can the Agents of SHIELD people get the same privilege? Especially given that it’s the only Marvel show to get a full, well-rounded run.

It should also be mentioned that the latest installment of WandaVision contained an ad for a soap opera called ‘Hydra Soak’, which felt like a direct reference Agents of SHIELDs Framework Arc. For now, I refuse to believe it was just coincidence. As WandaVision refer Agents of SHIELD, I hope Disney + can include some of the characters.

Be warned, I do not include Jemma Simmons (Elizabeth Henstridge) and Leopold Fitz (Iain De Caestecker) on this list. I just like them and want to see more of Henstridge and De Caestecker on my television screen, I think their characters deserve their happy ending with their retirement. Forgive me, my fellow lovers of FitzSimmons! However, here are a few others Agents of SHIELD characters I want to see appear on Disney + …

Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet)

(Photo: ABC)

Out of all the Agents of SHIELD characters, Daisy Johnson AKA Quake brings the most sense again. This awesome Inhuman is not only a big part of the comics, but we saw her lead a team in space (as we speak, let’s get Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) and Kora (Dianne Doan) back as well !).

While Agents of SHIELD could not use the title of SWORD (we still laugh at “Astro Ambassadors”), it is very clear that Daisy, her husband and her sister are in space and doing SWORD duties. We already know that SWORD plays in WandaVision, and we also know that a Secret Invasion series comes to Disney + starring Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury) and Ben Mendelsohn (Talos). Nick Fury is in space. Daisy is in space. Let them meet each other!


Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie (Henry Simmons)

(Photo: ABC)

In the Agents of SHIELD final, we learn that Mack retained his job as the director of SHIELD. We know SHIELD is back in business Hawkeye, and it would be quite cool if Mack had to keep his title officially in the MCU. We still do not know what Nick Fury is doing in space, but we feel that he is currently focusing on SWORD, especially since Talos and Soren (Sharon Blynn) still pose as Fury and Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) on earth. Mack also has his own helicopter! Let the man use it!


Melinda May (Ming-Na Wen)

(Photo: ABC)

Speaking of SHIELD and Hawkeye, Wen has already made it clear that she would like to appear in the Disney + series. Agent Melinda May is one of the worst people to ever wear the SHIELD logo and we last saw her at Coulson Academy. It would be great to see more of the Academy in general (‘Seeds’ is an underrated Season One episode that the agents in training take a closer look at. I always wanted to see more of the young talent). Wen may be playing Fennec Shand in the world of Star Wars, but they can at least save us a cameo. May and Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) have never crossed paths before. He can use her!


Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez (Natalia Córdova-Buckley)

(Photo: ABC)

Speaking of extremely talented Inhumans who are also comic book characters, we last saw Yo-Yo still working for SHIELD in the field with Agent Piper (Briana Venskus) and LMD Agent Davis (Maximilian Osinski). Like Mack and May, Hawkeye makes the most sense with the SHIELD connection, but Secret Invasion can also be a great place to showcase Elena’s special skills. Heck, put her in Sy-Hulk or Me Marvel… There’s no reason why Yo-Yo could not participate in the fight in a Disney + program.


Bobbi “Mockingbird” Morse (Adrianne Palicki)

(Photo: ABC)

We all know that Palicki and Nick Blood (Lance Hunter) got a firm agreement when they left Agents of SHIELD for their own spin-off, Marvel’s Most Wanted. The show never saw the light of day, and Palicki was never seen as Bobbi again (though we did get one last glorious episode with Blood as Hunter). Mockingbird is another staple of Marvel Comics, and fans have made it clear they want to see more of her in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … Secret Invasion is RIGHT THERE!


Deke Shaw (Jeff Ward)

(Photo: ABC)

I am 100% willing to admit that this choice was completely biased because of my unabashed love for Deke Shaw. Does this request actually make sense? Debatable! We last saw Deke in an alternative reality in the 1980s as a rock god and as the head of SHIELD (honestly, this is a whole show I would see on his own). Deke had a perfect ending, but I’m greedy and want more!

It’s pretty clear that the MCU is on the verge of getting serious with the multiverse with movies like Spider-Man 3 and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Not to mention the fact that Loki follows the version of Loki (Tom Hiddleston) who escaped in it Avengers: Endgame, which creates another new reality. I would give anything to see Loki swing during a Deke Squad concert through his interdimensional travels.


Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg)

(Photo: ABC)

This is a much more realistic request, because I do not think anyone is ready to see Gregg’s days end in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has been around since 2008 Ysterman, and it’s time for the Avengers to find out he’s still alive (well, sort of). However, if you are determined to stick with dead Coulson as a cannon (rude!), I will again Loki.

With the God or Mischief going on his last round bare arms, it would make a lot of sense to see him come face to face with the man he once killed. Loki has done many unforgivable things over the years, but killing Coulson was definitely number one.

Do you hope to see it? Agents of SHIELD characters in a Disney + series? Which one? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

All seven seasons of Agents of SHIELD currently streaming on Netflix.

