Dismissed Keystone XL worker over Biden’s new climate change policy: ‘They just do not care’

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed three executive orders on climate change, promising to put the issue “at the center” of U.S. national security and domestic and foreign policy. The executive action follows its decision to halt construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, which is expected to retain approximately 11,000 U.S. jobs in 2021 and generate $ 1.6 billion in gross wages.

Before signing the orders, Biden kicked off his press briefing by saying “Today is Climate Day in the White House, which means today is a working day in the White House.”

Neal Crabtree, 46, was one of the first U.S. employees to be affected by the new government’s aggressive approach to fighting climate change.

“I think a better way to put it would be a lack of workday,” Crabtree responded to the comment in an interview with Fox News.


While a bailiff was fired after President Biden revoked the Keystone XL permits, Crabtree spoke out about the damage the new government’s radical climate agenda is doing to US workers in the oil and gas industry.

“I think they hear us, but they just can not care. They promised their voters that they were going to do one thing and it looks like they want to do it,” Crabtree said.

The new US climate envoy, John Kerry, said on Wednesday that coal workers and employees in other fossil fuel industries are getting a ‘false story’ that climate policy is killing their jobs.

“Unfortunately, workers are being fed with a false narrative, no surprise. For the past few years, they’re getting the idea that dealing with climate is somehow at their expense, no it’s not,” Kerry said. “What happens to them happens because other market forces are already taking place.”

“It’s just not true,” the 46-year-old pipeline said. “They are killing the work that is here and selling a fairy tale of work that is not,” said Crabtree, who claims that this new climate policy has nothing to do with market forces, but rather the suffocation of an industry with very natural question. .


During the press conference, Kerry also recommended that oil and gas workers should turn to the manufacture of solar panels if their jobs are scrapped due to the Biden administration’s environmental policy.

“What President Biden wants to do is make sure the people have better choices, that they have alternatives, that they can be the people who are going to work to make the solar panels,” Kerry said.

Crabtree said he has no plans to teach solar panels: ‘I’m a pipeline. My grandfather did it. My dad did it. This country is built on fossil fuels. We are the superpower we are today because of fossil fuels.

His advice to the administration was to start training people who have just gone to high school or college and get them into the green energy field and not let us kill our industry because there are some of us, that’s all we know how to do. ‘
