Dismissed doctor says he did not want to waste the vaccine

A Houston doctor who was fired for allegedly stealing doses of coronavirus vaccine says he is not the villain made by news reports around the world. Hasan Gokal tells the New York Times that after a nurse stabbed an 11-dose vial on December 29 to administer an emergency vaccine on December 29, he had to figure out what to do with the remaining doses before it expired within hours. Gokal, who oversaw the event, said health workers and police officers on the premises had turned him down or had already been vaccinated. He said that after a Harris County official approved his plan to distribute the remaining doses, he started calling people in his contact list at his townhouse to find suitable recipients.

Gokal says he vaccinated nine mostly elderly people, including a woman in her 90s, but he had one dose left after the final recipient called shortly before the deadline to say they could not get out of his house. He says that in a few minutes he vaccinated his wife, whose lung condition qualifies her. Gokal says he told her: “I did not intend to give it to you, but in half an hour I will have to take it to the toilet.” He was fired days after telling his supervisor about the vaccinations and submitting paperwork. He says officials told him he had to bring the doses back to the office – where they would have expired – or be thrown away. He is accused of stealing the vaccine doses, worth $ 135. A judge dismissed the charge days later, but the local district attorney plans to present it to a grand jury, ABC13 reports. The Texas Medical Association has issued a statement of support for physicians taking steps to avoid dosing. (Read more stories about coronavirus vaccination.)
