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There are distinct umbrellas of color difference to the different shades of skin.

The investigators of Massachusetts General Hospital, based on an information published in the specialized magazine Scientific progress, reveal that the people pelirrojas presents a minor sensitivity to certain types of estimated debilitating debits and possesses a mayoral activity of the opioid receptors involved in the block of pain and a minor production of typical types of hormones associated with sensitivity.

The professionals of salud podrn tener in account of the Distressed umbrellas of pain at the time of planning therapies or surgical interventions, or at the time of personalizing treatment directed at men and women in this race; for example, the inability of these people to bronze their skin could be attached to it new discovery.

The results of this study allow you to know them processes and mechanisms which intervenes in the sensation of pain following the pigmentation of the subject. It is known that the persons, rats and specimens of some other species have a distinct sensitivity to pain, but the cause is discussed.

Además, descubrieron que las Pigment manufacturers of pigments in the skin, melanocytos, have a different type of melanocortin receptor in the pelvis. This hormone is what allows melanocytes to produce black, black, orange or red pigments and explain the distinct tones of the human skin.

These variations also provoke that melanocytes produce distinct levels of hormone hormones, some of which are involved in sensitivity to pain. (I)
