Ginebra – The European Center for Particle Physics (CERN) announced the discovery of the odor, a rare combination of three fundamental particles called gluten that has been mentioned in theories for over 50 years, but could not be identified.
The discovery, presented last week in a meeting at the Ginebra City Seat Research Center, was conducted with the collaborator of the Tevatron of United States collision, which has been the construction of the LHC of the CERN mayor of the world.
The hallazgo “tries the most profound ideas of the quantum theory of chromodynamics, about all that defines that the gluons interact between them and that a number of them can be ‘colored’ and with it obscure its interactions”, the door by CERN Simone Giani in a communication.
The existence of the odderon proved to be a major challenge to chromodynamics since it was theorized with in 1973