Have more implication a minor risk to suffer coronavirus graph, followed by a new and convincing study on physical activity and coronavirus interactions. The studio, in which 50,000 Californians participated in the Covid project, found out that habían sido más aktivos antes de enfermarse eran los tenian less probabilities of being hospitalized or die as a consequence of the illness.
The dates are being retrieved before the vacancies against the Covid estuvieran are available and there is no indication that the owner can replace it in any way with the immunization. Pero sí permiten suponer que el eigencicio regular -ya sea nadar, caminar, correr o andar en bicicleta- puede reduction maintenance our possibilities of serious burial are our infections.
Scientists know from time to time that people with a good physical condition are less likely to counteract colds and other viral infections and is recovered more quickly than the persons who are not in shape, due to the ownership can amplify the humanitarian response. A better physical condition has also increased the response of the anti-human carriers to the flu and other ailments.
But infections with the new coronavirus are just as new as the physical activity and the physical state can be in the risk of contracting the disease. Sondeverbod, some recent studies have suggested alentadores.
In one of his works, published by The International Journal of Obesity, the people who came to meet fast, an aerobic appetite indicator, developed by Covid grave and many minor proportions that obese people, including fast-moving tenants obesity, a risk factor known for the graph graph. In another study of major adults in Europe, a mayoral fundraiser, indicator of the salute spiergeneraal, signal of a minor international gap by Covid.

Get 150 minutes per week to reduce Covid’s risks. Photo: Luciano Thieberger
Without embarrassment, these studies analyze indirectly the aerobic or muscular appetite of individuals and their habits of cotidian eruption, so that they can learn to move and move -to quietly- modify the circle of Covid’s giants.
For this reason, in another study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Kaiser Permanente Southern California researchers and physicians, the University of California, San Diego and other decision-making institutions compared the information on frequency with which the persons have access to the hecho of which acabaran hospitalized el aoo pasado a causa del Covid.
Kaiser Permanente’s health system was idonized for this investigation, since 2009, including the ownercicio como “signo vital” during patient consultations. In practice, this means that the medicines and nurses are treated in patients who are given weekly exercise, for example during the second step, and lasting minutes minutes each time, and read these dates to the patient’s clinical history.
Now, the investigators will extract the anonymous records of 48,440 men and women adults which utilizes the Kaiser sanitary alert system, and the ones that have been experiencing the highs and lows in the last three years and by 2020 the Covid-19 has been diagnosed.
The investigators agruparon the men and the women follow their routine of ownership. The less active group has very long ownership 10 minute menus the majority of the weeks; the most active is habituated during the months 150 minutes of semana, the equivalent of 20 minute diaries; and the active group is located in an intermediate location.
Investigators are also retrieving data about them risk factors every person knows how to care for Covid grave, like the oath, the habit of smoking, the weight and the antecedents of cancer, diabetes, organ transplants, renal problems and other serious subliminal diseases.
Surprising results
Continuation, the numbers will be displayed, with surprising results. The members of the group are less active, in which case they are not owned, they are hospitalized by Covid in a proportion that duplicate the members of the active group and subsequently tuvieron 2.5 times more likely to die. Including a comparison with the people of the active group, we were hospitalized with 20% more frequency and we found 30% more likely to die.
Of the many factors of serious risk of serious illness, the scientists find that only the advanced and organ transplants increase the probability of internationalization and mortality by COVID more than the inactivity.
“Ser sedentario era the mayor’s risk factor“of serious illness,” I mean that some would go all the way to the organ receptor “, said Robert Sallis, specialist in family medicine and deportation at the Kaiser Permanente Fontana Medical Center, who conducted the new study. esos otros riesgos, sí se puede hacer eiercicio“.
The study, to be observational, does not demonstrate that ownership provokes a direct dismantling of Covid’s grave giants, but only the people who own ownership with frequency I also have people with a lot of grief in graph. The study tampoco profundizo in if the owner reduced the risk of contagious coronavirus in first place.
Pero Sallis signals that the associations in the studio eran fuertes: “I believe that, based on these dates, we can tell the people that take a walk through the media during the week five times a week debería contributes to a grave of the protegerlas del Covid “.
A cinco -o cinco- could be especially beneficial for the people who standing hoping for the first vacancy, añade.
“Never sugary and selfish with regularity consider no holiday. But if you can get the vaccine, make sure that regular ownership is the most important thing you can do to reduce the risk “, doubled Sallis and concluded:” Making ownership with regularity is likely to be a protection against any new variant or new approach ” .
The New York Times. Special
Translation: Elisa Carnelli