Discover a Burkitt Linfoma in a Puerto Rican patient without symptoms

Sín sítomas, pero con gran compromiso tumoral y viral.

Wear. Zullimary Rodríguez Galarza, part of the Mayagüez Mediese Sentrum (MMC) Family Medicine team.

Belinda Z. Burgos González
Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

This patient of 52 years arrived at the emergency room for a mass in his axilla.

The human history of hypertension, apnea of ​​the throat, and in a previous pregnancy has been associated with a neonitis (inflammation of the pulmonary thymus).

Dicho tejido, to the surprise of all, burned a clinical lesson not hoped for by the medical team.

“The patient is presented to the clinic for a mass that the patient is salivating in an axillary extremity that is created rapidly in both months and is a pain. Debide to a sonogram is not considered to be an aneurysm, and the muscle was evaluated by means of an arteriogram at the vascularly substantiated area and decided to remove to perform a biopsy ”, related to interview with Medicine and Public Health (MSP) Dra. Zullimary Rodríguez Galarza, part of the Mayagüez Mediese Sentrum (MMC) Family Medicine team.

Exactly the vascularization of this mass is alerted to the team. It is referred to as the development of new vascular vascular ligaments such as muscles or organ organs.

“The patient’s high altitude, but regresses where we have a positive mass in Burkitt’s linseed oil, is a form of Hodgkin’s lineage that is very fast growing,” he said.

The Burkitt (LB) lineage is a first-rate discovery in nines in parts of Africa. It is also registered in the United States.

The African LB type is strongly associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (VEB), the main cause of infectious mononucleosis, although in the United States it is linked to the VEB, according to the National Library of the United States

In addition, the people with VIH / side have a greater risk of getting this affection. The LB is observing the mayor’s frequency in men, adding the missing source.

“In the study conducted by the hematologist-oncologist the patient was confirmed to be positive at VIH. This is what this link establishes related to this virus. The rarity is that this patient never presents symptoms related to VIH or the symptoms that are these types of symptoms such as fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, even if the content of CD4 is low (white globules that are unspecified contra les enfermedades), characteristics of patients with VIH, and another curious date that tampoco presented opportunistic infections ”, overflowed.

“The patient is alive and has a good quality of life,” he concluded.

Following the publication of this case, the LB can be given up to 10% of patients with VIH.

And Puerto Rico has been in existence since 31 December 2014, with 46,600 people being diagnosed with VIH and

Puerto Rico, according to the Department of Health.