Disclaimer that patient with COVID-19 was killed during a hospital operation

MEX3344.  CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 13/01 / 2021.- People make a commercial purchase of oxygen for the COVID-19 inferiors, today in Ciudad de México (México).  The City of Mexico is currently facing the worst of the covid-19 pandemic this year, starting with saturated hospitals, large coals for oxygen deprivation, a collapsed public transport system and hostels on board the quiebra .  EFE / José Méndez
MEX3344. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 13/01 / 2021.- People make a commercial purchase of oxygen for the COVID-19 inferiors, today in Ciudad de México (México). The City of Mexico is currently facing the worst of the covid-19 pandemic this year, starting with saturated hospitals, large coals for oxygen deprivation, a collapsed public transport system and hostels on board the quiebra . EFE / José Méndez

Agreed with a denunciation in social speeches hecha por W Radio, a patient with coronavirus was killed anda charming deplorable on the floor of the hospital Susana López de Popayán, Cauca.

infobae image

The thing that the emissary is absorbing is due to the image being thrown at the man on the floor about a cowboy, and is known as to what the dejaron is and the state of health in which it is found at this moment.

From the Secretariat of Health of the municipality and initiate the investigations “To clarify this and other denunciations of citizens during the pandemic”.

The galleons of the capital of Cauca ensure that the high number of coronavirus cases is due to the festivities of Navidad y End of Year.

“These are the consequences of the agglomerations of the end-of-year festivities. The UCI of COVID-19 holds a 93%. Only three beds are available at the moment ”, says Sergio Pérez, manager of the clinic La Estancia a Noticias Caracol.

According to the same information, one of the patient’s relatives says that in hospital there is “no hay camillas”, to attend to those who need medical services.

“I do not have availability at the moment, and it’s what I’ve listening to on the bed And, obviously, then with the holiday is affecting the theme of pulmonaries and all that ”, denounced the woman.

“We are looking for a consultation based on the information that is available. Susana López Hospital has 45 registered rooms and has 13 rooms available“, Mencionó Óscar Ospina, Secretary of Health of the capital of the Caucasus.

In the year 2021, the record of daily contacts by covid-19 in the country, due to the fact that the Gobierno national tuvo that tomar drastic means in front of the transport of all citizens. Various countries of the country are encountered in every corner, sectorized and sharp and sharp, with the end to avoid that the people salgan and have new contagios.

In front of this situation, The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, analyzes the total numbers of contacts in the country and, traversed by a communiqué, explained in manner detailed how hay tantos cases of covid -19 in this era. Some of the reasons are the agglomerations for the Christmas parties, family reunions and the final of the Colombian professional football.

“These agglomerations and events generate an impact that is reflected in the mayor’s contact with the five or so states that present each of these failures, which have accumulated and generated impact on the consumption of intensive care units at the national level” , dejó claro Ruiz.

The important front to the high figures on contagios is that the Minister of Justice clarified that the country has the capacity to respond front to covid-19 pues, asururo, that in Colombia he has 11,700 beds, 50% of those available in March of 2020 in donde había solo 5.300. At the moment, 70% of the occupations of national level cameras are registered.

However, the Ministry of Health states that the most critical situation, at the moment, is in Bogotá, where there is a demand for between 150 and 170 UCI beds a day, with an occupancy rate of 89.9%.

“It was supported by the Gobierno for an expansion of the UCI cameras, which is currently underway. In the city where we are hoping that we will be connected this week, and probably the next, there will be an important number of cases ”, apuntó el ministro.

Regarding the different notices and concerns about the lack of treatment for the lack of medicines for the patients at UCI, the Minister stated that there is sufficient availability of pharmacies. “The invitation here is not specific to these important medicines for the attention of patients at the national level and to make us rational of these”, confirms Ruiz.

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