Disclaimer message from fathers of German victims in EUEU in transit accident

Atima, Santa Bárbara.

Through the failure of two Honduran herons in a transit accident in Dallas, Texas, ayer, the family of Jimmy Josué and Heyner Fernando Rivera has made statements to these celebrations since the santabarbarense locality notoriously conjugated and disconnected through the sensitive notice.

Jimmy and Fernando lived there three years ago in EEUU, when salieron in search of a major in the quality of life suyas and his padres. Trabajaban in various categories in the Tejano state, accident scene.

“Eran los que nos echaban la mano. Eran hijos de quality” Nos apoyaban siempre “, empieza contando, angustiado, José Reynaldo Rivera, father of the failed in the North American country. “Perder a los hijos es triste. Son el tesoro más grande. Y allí quedó todo”, dijo a HCH Rivera, in the small town of the Honduran Occupation, where he lives with his wife and mother of Hondurans.

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Ayer Jueves, at the time of the shooting, found that the Hondurans were killed in the massive transit accident in Forth Worth, Texas, which involved more than 100 vehicles in the crash.

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Prohibition of probation, the Deputy Consul of Honduras and Dallas, Jackeline Murillo, stated that these failed in another transit accident. Honduran authorities and family members were informed by local police. In the incident, too, the result of a serious accident was first of all, and it was permanently located in an assistance center.


“I’m diabetic -related to the father- and my Heyner is always waiting for my health. I asked: ‘You have medicines’. I immediately said: ‘I have the money, dad’.”.

He also mentioned that he married the enviaban diner todas las semanas para el sustento de la parja, ya de la tercera edad, y que habían comprado terrenos en el municipio, remodelado la vivienda y comprado ganado. In addition, it pays to pay the deeds that aquejaban to the family in Honduras.

“Yo lo que quiero es ayudarle a usted., Papá”, cuenta José Rivera que su hijo le decía recenteremente, y que le prometió dinero para adecuar los terrenos para él descansara y viviera de la productions del ganado. “We will arrange the potros for you to descend. You will not work”.

La madre de los hermanos falecidos, notoriamente afectada, verklaar: “Como madre, les digo que no dejen ir a sus hijos. Es triste, que mis hijos ne regresarán”. The laws and the descendant of the prisoners in anguish. “We have the authorities that help us to repatriate the corpses. We will lose them. We will kill them here”, claim, ultimately, José Rivera.
