Director of Isspol, Juan Carlos Rueda: ‘This is a problem of the value and peace market’ | Politics | Notice

The director of Isspol, who met the Jews, explained the situation of Isspol and the millionaire investments made with the companies of Jorge Chérrez

Convening that his voice “affects the status quo” that empires in the functioning of the market of values ​​of Ecuador and by the failure to respond to the control authorities, the general in passive service Juan Carlos Rueda renounced the late juveniles passed to the issue of Isspol. This was announced by the President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Social Security of the Police, the Minister Gabriel Martínez Castro. In an interview with EL UNIVERSO, Rueda Montenegro has a balance on the serious problem affecting the Institute, where $ 800 million is being invested and operations operations with market value actors are underway since the Isspol linked the documents. Dit is $ 700 million Fueron with the financial structurer Jorge Chérrez Miño, accused by the city authorities of raising assets and joining four of Isspol’s employees. Alert wheel that this white spring crime is not given by chance.

What are the inconveniences found in Isspol’s management?

This is a description in a scenario in which the characters and their detention orders in the United States, as well as in our country are the platform in the National Assembly or the ministers of the confederation. The cases are tantamount to the control units and the companies not completing the functions for which they were created, such as the Centralized Deposit of Compensation and Liquidation of Values, Decal, which are converted into a parapet to constitute a colossal process which affects families miles.

¿Oorweeg die las autoridades de control no han collaborated with the Institute to design this case?

The authorities must complete their responsibilities longitudinally, but also the companies of the value market system. The control units precisely have to have control over the Central Bank of the Central Bank, on the Decevale, the Guayaquil Ballot Box, the Accival and Citadel cases, the Riesgo calculators, the fiduciaries and the Isspol law. The Intention of Social Security debii receives information annually about the inversions in bonuses of the Ecuadorian State and at least debit has the authorization to make it. Only from 2018 will there be a control activity with economist Ruth Arregui. And now that the Isspol has intercepted a statement against the Decal, the Superintendent of Banks will not challenge me.

Do you know that these control authorities do not cooperate with the Isspol?

No matter how many collaborators are involved, no matter how much you plan and apply the respective mechanisms. This is not a problem of the Police, it is a problem of the market of values ​​and countries.

In the previous administration, the Devil is the guarantor of the Police who held in custody the $ 700 million of inversions held by him since the collaboration of the new Devil’s administration with the Isspol?

The new administration will respond to some cards, but with different explanations. The new president of the board, Roberto González, has a good disposition, meeting with the board of directors of Isspol and his conclusion is that we must recover our inversion by all these colossal processes between authorities that we establish with relatives and negotiations. But there are those responsible who have knowledge and actuaron. Accept González’s solidarity for his $ 700 million and you can not pay the pensions of the police without sending a child to a foreign treatment with the Disciples of the Devil.

¿El Decevale les pedido a ustedes informa paron para initiat un un Demand contra de exfuncionarios del Deposito que conocían de las surgeries y hasta certifion que las custodiaban?

It is good that there is a lot of information about women who have been convicted, authorized and are carrying out operations, but must be dealt with by the body that corresponds to the court. The petition was submitted to the Oriana Rumbea Senator, but the Ministry of Labor has not authorized it. These are aristocratic aunts and there is a serious issue that has to be announced by the presidential candidates. Can not follow the current and quedarme callado. How can you invest in a value market that can not guarantee that it has invested? What do you think makes me think that there is an arrangement between employees? What did I answer that Jorge Chérrez was in Acapulco because the governor of Mexico did not want to expel him in order to answer the United States justice?

The Department of Justice and the Department of National Security of the United States have partnered with this case.

It’s public, ellos no dicen, ellos hacen. It must be imported into the equator. The Commander of the Police and the Government of Gobierno will work together in the United States and its function.

Did you intend to carry out a forensic search on the exterior and bottom of the Isspol voucher?

One of the reasons why I feel sorry for him is that he is trying to recover all the inversions related to all internal and external obstacles, and he must complete exquisite requisites. If you are interested in investing more than $ 800 million from Isspol we will not talk about it if you are not interested in my presence. We talked to some prestigious companies, such as Kroll, for example, but we did not sign a contract.

Has an Actuarial Actuarial Studio been established in its administration?

He paid the contract of an actuary and when he was appointed to concreto, sacan of the order of the day my proposal. The Isspol Actuary is a COVID Police Officer and now has a complication that could not be resolved. Do you believe that a director of a Social Security Institute who is able to hold a professional actuary can follow in front of the institution if he or she cannot make that type of decision?

The actuarial part of a social security institute is important.

Escúcheme, the Ley de Seguridad Social, entre comillas de fortalecimiento, fue expedida sin actuariales ni bas technik, la decapitalizacionun que produce esta ley nos afecta tanto o mas que la stapa des los $ 700 millones. If no unconstitutional declaration is made in this case, in the next five or six years the system has collapsed and this fraud is being investigated. Tenían que mantenerse un tiempo más, pero hay alguien que vien y les patea el tablero, y les dice ‘No’, esa fue la ministra María Paula Romo. I believe she has no idea how to get to this place. This is why in the next few years the system and as the tenure guarantee of the State will be fulfilled, all the losses will be borne by the State.

It allows the IESS police system to pay only 9.45% of its salary, while the Isspol pays 23%. Is Isspol being decapitalized with the time and place to merge?

This maneuver is safe, perversion has numbers and appeals, has authorities and goblins that it generates. Gobierno’s argument earlier was that social security should be equal for all. The dedications of the mano are not equal, the police have a risky job, without schedules and in dramatic conditions, by which we are more than twice as civilian employees. Disfrazaron is the difference in support as an increase of sueldo and hicieron the difference with the military.

With the declaration of unconstitutionality, the contributions will be reduced to the previous level?

Exactly, and the State must bring what corresponds.

Do you think that the Fiscalia is prepared to investigate this tram, that there was a high-stakes financial operation with a white source crime?

If he can do it, he needs to breathe to respond.

Taxation is supported by a Judicial Police.

It’s very complicated. There are economic and political powers that be behind everything. Hi numbers …

How are we?

Hoieregisseurs, hooi políticos, hasta los condecoran.

Do you think about the condolences of Minister José Serrano and Jorge Chérrez?

Usted lo ha dicho.

¿El Isspol o la Procuraduría van a ser part de juicio por sobornos y lavado de assets de Estados Unidos contra Jorge Chérrez y John Robert Luzuriaga para tener acceso a las pruebas que se produccan alla?

The prosecutor knows the case and is complying with his debt. It has been announced that there will be a procedural part in the case that is being investigated here. And hope that part of the case in the United States is due to its public recourse and hope that it will be where the victims are from the police and their families.

¿Can the Instituto be sold for $ 700 million?

We have $ 550 million in private inversions that are subject to the policies, guaranteed by mortgages and recovered, they pay off; as some companies claim to have made money to receive money and that we should pay with good value. These are private inversions of the Police van well. In addition, we have certified certificates from the National Treasury, Cetes, and investments in the financial system, which since the crisis of 2000 are solid.

Is there a problem with the participation of various players in the market of values ​​that could provoke a crisis of confidence in the market?

There are so many interests in this tram that this is the future of the company that the periodicals also call the van. (I)
