Diosdado Cabello arranged for the periodicals that cover the frontier in Colombia: “Deben will be considered alone”

The number of the chavismo, Diosdado Cabello, launched an arrangement of these vices against the Venezuelan periodicals that would cover the armed conflict that was unfolding in the state front of Apure.

‘Whoever has made the game for himself, must be considered for himself. It is hoped that Assesinen will unite Venezuelans (in Apure) to make the palangrists party ”, dijo Cabello during his television program broadcast on the state channel VTV.

Cable assures that the conflict frontier is the responsibility of Colombia and arbitration against the social communicators ensuring that everyone wants to create the world that the Colombian government is helping the Venezuelans.

The Socialist leader says that the Fuera Armada Nacional Bolivariana (Fanb) will continue to “immediately respond” to the conflict in Apure with the guerrillas of the guerrillas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc).

“If it is clear and current and secure as it is, it has created a special brigade to carry out special operations in the area with all the equipment to combat these paramilitary groups”, signal Cabello in his program “Con el mazo dando”.

Cable ignores multiple denunciations against Venezuelan militaries that keep the puppets in constant state of zozobra over amedrentarlos and amenizarlos while the guerrillas continue to haunt the towns in the Victoria neighborhood.

The periodicals Luis Gonzalo Pérez and Rafael Hernández were detained by the Venezuelan National Guard in the Apure frontier
The periodicals Luis Gonzalo Pérez and Rafael Hernández were detained by the Venezuelan National Guard in the Apure frontier

Entrant, the chancellor of the regime of Nicoás Maduro, Jorge Arreaza, strongly attacked the Colombian State and was responsible for the difficult situation between the two countries. In its declarations, the Colombian signaling officer has exceeded its limits with Venezuela and, including, tildo the nation to be a“Narcotics”.

“Colombia is a narcoestado and nadie lo puede negar, en Colombia hay cartel, hay sound, hay structures organized crime”, aseveró Arreaza in his official allocation in that, including, affirming that the only country copied by the drug trafficking in the world was the Colombian.

“We insist and the common denominator is the narcotics industry, the drug industry that has allowed for the completion of the structures of Colombian society. (…) the only narcoestado tested with unprovable proofs in this world is the Colombian State”, Continuó el kanseller.

The comments are based on the abandonment of the Colombian-Venezuelan front by President Ivan Duque. “(…) Colombia is a state of bankruptcy from any point of view. The front of the front is absolute, to the extent that we do not officially know who we are. If you want to have a Republic and one institution, the effective control of the territory with the cual limit Venezuela, a veces is of a paramilitary group, guerrilla, criminal, between otros, es decir; the State has no effect on its territory, provided it does not provide protection or benefits to its citizens“, signaled Arreaza during his intervention, which ensured that the Bolivar Forces had more control over the frontier situation with the FARC disqualifications than the Colombian Forces.

Arreaza assured that the country presided over by Duke abandoned the front and did not have public authority delegated. “(…) the entregaron toda on its front to the irregular armed groups and the small elements of security are subordinate to their criminal organizations”, siguió.

The Chancellor of the Venezuelan Regime Jorge Arreaza (i) and the President of Colombia (d)
The Chancellor of the Venezuelan Regime Jorge Arreaza (i) and the President of Colombia (d)

The official of the regime argues that the narcotics allowed inside the company and Government of Colombia, which is uncorrected from the years now. Following the Arreaza thesis, reported by the media TeleSur, the illegal activity “Every day penetrates the fiber of institutionalism, society and the Colombian economy.” Además, afirmó que in Colombia between 10 million million dollars annually in blank capital gains and 3 million million dollars in cocaine production.

Ante the crisis on the front, which accumulates more than 15 days in the course, Arreaza announced diplomatic actions to solve the problem. Cancel the pedicure in Mexico that mediates between Colombia and Venezuela to open channels of dialogue with the end of coordinating efforts against irregular groups. For this, the official sent a message to his homologue in Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard.

“We are empowered to give to the long and hard of this front the path of our people. Like the libertarian Simón Bolívar, the peace will be my port, my glory, my reward, my hope and the most precious of this life ”, dijo el venezolano.

Another move revealed by Arreaza in the press release was sent by a card to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, “To establish a direct channel with Colombia on the frontier theme”.


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