Dime de qué kleur es la fruta y verdura que come y sabrás si llevas una vidud saludable

We know that the diet of fruits and vegetables is key to maintaining a healthy diet and preventing chronic diseases such as diabetes, high arterial pressure, high cholesterol, overeating and different types of cancer. But the ever-increasing emphasis has been on the quantity and regularity of its consumption: the OMS has at least 400 grams of diary and the nutritionists recommend five fruits and vegetables.

Now, a new study has revealed that the variety is as important as the crop, and that a large variety of fruits and vegetables are only associated with the most salable form, with a physically active and non-smoking person; es decir, with a more salutary lifestyle that reduces cardiovascular risk and other diseases.

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Mediterranean dinner.  Flat-top table with salads, entrees, baked over blue tablecloth with hands holding drinks, sharing food, top view.  Holiday gathering, vegetarian party concept

The results of the study conducted by Ciberobn researchers at the Human Nutrition Unit and the URV-IISPV show that the combination of high variety and amount of fruits and vegetables is most important in order to consume an adequate intake of fiber and micronutrients. which is only an elevated variety of time, especially in people with high cardiovascular risk, which is about what the center has studied.

Investigators are not only analyzing the consumption of dairy fruits and once types of vegetables that form part of the Mediterranean diet in the 6,647 participants with high cardiovascular risk. También valoraron su consumption of fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as some indicators of the style of life, as well as the level of physical activity, the tobacco habit, the degree of sedentarism and the soil.


Variety (of colors and species) in the fruit and greenery that we associate with a better diet, more self-esteem and less tobacco


We note that those people who have a large variety of fruits and vegetables present less risk of deficiency or insufficient consumption of fiber and micronutrients, and also have more active and non-smoking people, in a way that is not only dietary. , sino that his style of life, in general, was more salutable.

Guided by the colors

How do you know if your fruit and blood intake is sufficiently varied to optimize your diet and prevent illness? The experts insure that a very practical and easy-to-use formula is guided by the colors.

The fruits and vegetables can be grouped into five categories according to their color (red, brown / blue, orange / yellow, green and white), and these colors reflect specific combinations of nutrients and phyto-chemical compounds.



Orange / amarillas

The fruits and vegetables of this color, like the melon, the citrus, the zanahoria, the melon, the raspberries or the plane tree, for example, contain beta-carotene and are rich in vitamin C.




The red fruits and vegetables, like the sand, the millet, the tomato or the red pepper, contain licopen.



Moradas / azules

Las uvas, la berenjena, los higos, las cerezas, las moras, los arandanos, la remolacha, la col morada … contain anthocyanins, with a potent antioxidant effect.




The group of fruits and green herbs is amplio: kiwi, lechuga, acelgas, spinach, broccoli, calabacin, green judias, green pepper, green asparagus … Poseen caretenoids, folate and fiber.




White verduras, like coliflor, puerro, cebolla o el ajo, entre otras, contienen composestos sulfurados, como la alicina.

Therefore, one predominates in another color in the fruits and vegetables that habitual consumption determines the nutrients that bind to our organism. Y, even more varied than the color palette of the vegetable products we eat in the boca, not only will our diet be the same as, in accordance with the results of the study, more likely we will not be smokers, to practice ownership and, Definitely, to have a salutary lifestyle that we will help prevent cardiovascular diseases, among others.

Y, tal y como explain the experts in nutrition that he led the study -which was published in the review Clinical Nutrition-, consume at least one fruit or green each of the five groups of color is a simple way to ensure a high and varied consumption of fruits and vegetables.

The study was conducted by Leyre López-González, PhD researcher, and led by Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Chair and Director of the Human Nutrition Unit of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Rovira and Virgili; Nerea Becerra-Tomàs, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Valencia and Collaborative Researcher at the Human Nutrition Unit and Nancy Babio, URV Researcher and Professor. All teams are part of CIBEROBN and the Pere Virgili Sanitary Investigation Institute (IISPV).

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