Dime and direct cameral about legislative productivity

While representing the New Progress Party (PNP) despotricaban against the record of the body in his first 70 days, the cameral president, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández, defended the management, insisting that it sent the bases for a more inclusive and participatory process for the minors, while it was called a lame to evaluate the “quality” and not the “amount” of the legislative work.

The legislators of the PNP Gabriel Rodríguez Aguiló, Juan Oscar Morales y Víctor Parés destacaron que la burgemeester del Popular Democratic Party apenas did not pass his projects, as long as he did not approve any of the projects referred to by the Senate, which implied that the governor Pedro Pierluisi has not received legislation for his company since the new quarter began.

‘La Health Commission en la Cámara worked on a project of ley, one (only), lieu interpelar al secretari de SaludCarlos Mellado), with so many themes that we can look forward to. In economic terms, of course, there is no project. It’s what we are saying, working on what we believe is relevant to public policy correspondence to the majority established. Clearly, if the Mayor wants to meet with the two parties represented in the Legislative Assembly, there is no problem, for this is the process of public visits, which we quote. But you have to wait for the projects and there is no waiting. They are focused on research, dealing with the degrees, derogating lies and not producing anything positive for our people, ”said Rodríguez Aguiló, spokesman for the minority.

The representatives signal that, in the quatrains from 2009 to 2012, 2013 to 2016 and 2017 to 2020, these altos were approved 34, 21 and 22 projects, respectively. Además, esgrimieron que hace cuatro años, en “los primeros meses” del gobierno, ambas cammaras habían aprobado 21 medidas de ley que pasaron a la firma del entonces gobernador, Ricardo Rosselló.

Among the media that required an emergency mayor, in Paris, figure out projects 345, 346 and 549, of his authority. The first bus “financially capable” in the labor force; secondly, “common and fiscalize” the elevator industry; y el tercero, enmendar la Ley de Permisos.

Morals, in this way, demand that the trauma of acceleration be accelerated Cámara Project 503 for the funds collected by a special cargo to the purchase of tablets are destined exclusively to Hospital de Trauma, in order to provide discretion to the Secretary of Health regarding its use.

It appears, moreover, that the slow pace of legislative approval is unjustifiable and that, historically, “98%” of projects are approved by unanimity.

For his part, Rodríguez Aguiló criticized that he had not tried one Code of Ethics.

Reply “Tatito”

Shortly afterwards, at a press conference, Hernández said he would like to hope that in April the 100 days of actual administration will be completed in order to elaborate comparisons with previous quarters, and establish a contrast with the previous Chamber of Deputies. a su aprobación is.

Assimilation, the result of which the actual referral process is more rigorous, is that the celebration of a ‘markup session’ (endowment session) takes place at the level of the commission before the vote of the plenum.

“The cause (no debt) will be solely from the point of view of security. There are also entries in which to approve. At these altars, all that is needed is a little to count the 100 days of the Chamber of Representatives, the 22nd of April. The PNP approves a regulation (January 2017) rules that will be effective for both months. We approve it by consensus, in dialogue, giving information to them, the 25th of January. Nosotros tenemos has ‘comments’. Not only does the media see itself, it discusses the antitheses of reading to the ‘floor’, and the ‘floor’ has to defend itself. It’s a dramatic contrast, there is no uncertainty, ”argued Hernández, who added that he hopes the body will approve the Code of Ethics internally on March 18.

Between the logs of this Chamber of Deputies, Hernández included the investigation of the privatization contract of the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Network, which generated public inquiries about the prerogatives conceded by the consortium Luma Energy in cases of disaster and the laboratory protections of the current employees of the Electricity Authority.

Asimismo, Hernández validated the emphasis on derogation or amendments to the proposed transition, as agreed with Leases 165 and 167 of 2020, which, respectively, allow the governor to convene a referendum on the status quo unilaterally and order the election.

“The fourth step has been taken by the people and the electorate of Puerto Rico, who will give us a mandate and give us a diverse Legislative Assembly, leading to the PNP’s majority. El gobernador es penepé, la commisaría resident es penepé, pero la Assamblea Legislativa es popular, de Dignity Project y del Victoria Ciudadana Movement, which among all has a continuous majority. “The mayor of the media that exists here is to derogate from the insensitive, atropiculate and abusive public policy of the past four”, underlined the cameral president.
