Dilated lesion in pediatric patient resurrected by hongo infection and prolonged use of gonorrhea

A pediatric patient of 7 years presented a cage lesion that demonstrates the continuous use of gills and the care that must be taken to keep domestic animals.

Doctora Marien Felipe, Tania Riera, Sanet Torres, Carmen Moreira and Chistian Nieves, from the Department of Pediatrics

And it is that he was presented in the emergency room of the Municipal Hospital of San Juan with a dolorosa lesion in the parietal part of the cava, approximately 14 days of evolution, explained the doctor Marien Felipe, of the Department of Pediatrics and Medicine and Public Health.

The present presents prurito and lost cable. Días antes su medico primaire lo había evaluated and prescribed a steroid steroid of potency for suspects of Dermatitis Seborreica, segun el report de case. The syndromes without embarrassment continue emphatically and develop a posterior linfadenopathy of the source.

The patient is a member of a pilot team and has as a mascot a dog, the one present scars en la piel, añadió.

“The patient does not have a fever, nausea, vomiting, recent travel, contact with chemical products or nurses. Observe a round lesion swollen and hummed 2.5 centimeters in diameter over the parietal artery of the ascending alveolar canal. izquierdo, a macular lesion in the antebrazo izquierdo consistent with autoechematization -desarroll of dermatitis- and linfadenopathy -inflammation or hinchazón of the linfáticos- cervical and retroauricular ganglia “, detall.

The patient was diagnosed with Tiña del cuero cabelludo and a querion -inflammation severe and painful that can generate pus-. High level of oral treatment for weekly and follow-up outpatient clinics. The query can be confounded with other diseases of the skin, causing delay in its diagnosis and correct treatment. It is therefore necessary that this type of scenario be known to the pediatric level because they can confuse with other victims “, he said.

La tiña del cuero cabelludo is an infection caused by the fungus Trichophyton tonsurans and on occasion by Microsporum canis, among other species.

They can be presented with 5 variants at the clinical level and their presentation as common as the parcels with alopecia is the most common form of presentation.

‘It’s important to note that there is a mayor incidence of this type of scars por hongo en los niños que practican deporter y usan gorras, cascos u otros atuendos ya que tienden aumentar la humedad y decrease de oxygenation del cuero cabelludo. The infections by Microsporum canis, although less common, must always be present in our differential in patients who have been in contact with animals. The patient also developed a concomitant reaction such as “ID-reaksie” for its number in English or auto-eczema, which is nothing more than a hypersensitivity reaction to hongo “, abundant.

“Tina del cuero cabelludo puede ser confundida con alopecia areata, dermitis seborreica, psoriasis, trichotillomania, foliculitis y otros cambios distróficos en la piel. “It is proven that the topical use of drugs does not produce benefits, including the use of oral or parenteral asteroids. The application of anti-fungal shampoo can increase the pruritus and recommendations south of the home can be asymptomatic carriers”, concluded.
