Digital health: advances in pandemic times and future retos

Being a concept is somewhat discounted for many people to convert to an assisted horizon. The summary of the truck taken practically one year ago by the digital greeting, which has been linked to the impetus for the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the need to seek new allies to help our well-being.

Asian pues, las virtual consultations which imposes the confinement, together with the manejo of Applications for testing synthesizers or wearables which monitor parameters related to health, are converted as part of the solution for millions of citizens worldwide. An example is that of the Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact studio, which claims that 65% of Spaniards pay for telemedicine to consult a general practitioner in the future.

Pero the telemedicine is just one more cure. Drones what can you use for the transport of medicines or robots ontmettingsmiddels, his other examples of the much that he has advanced in the last months. It also resulted in enormous utilization of mobile applications related to autodiagnostics from synthesizers or gadgets which allows continuous monitoring of parameters to control existing pathologies.

Special mention goes to the development of the algorithms which allows to analyze a large amount of data, make correlations and see patterns that otherwise form pasarían desapercibidos supported in the macrodates or big data. ‘This is the answer to that we can provide information about what is happening and take decisions based on the evidence, which refuses the message of the need for science in abierto, collaborative, transversal and transdisciplinary ”, said Albert Barberà, director of the eHealth Center of the University of Catalonia (UOC) and one of the authors of the book Political Confidence? New technologies and many decisions in a pandemic context (Aranzadi).

With our lacks many advances to conocer. The conceptual market of digital health has initiated its exponential crime with the pandemic, but it is very difficult to increase its peak. A good example of this is artificial intelligence (IA) ”, added Carme Carrion, Professor of Health Studies of the UOC Health and eHealth Center Researcher.

Cinco retos en salud digital

  • Ampliar the focus of telemedicine. If these numbers indicate a scenario where the digital greetings appear in a recent review, we will not close. There is a base, but there are areas where prevention or mental health should be explored along with the rest.
  • Take care to prevent and prevent it. Prevention is precisely an aspect of digital health that, in the opinion of experts, we will increase. Treat yourself to the health and to the health at the point of mira.
  • Impulse professional training in digital health. It is prevalent that in this camp also will be concentrated efforts, to the view of the impulse that is already this area. The investigation and the form in which it is taught and prepared by the professionals of the health constitute the fundamental laws.
  • Guarantee an equitable access. Digital health has contributed to a shift to the sanitation system and has contributed to the fact that the focus is on the city and the action corresponding to its health. Failure to do so will prevent you from getting into trouble with her.
  • Protect the privacy of patient data. Sharing health data implies an ethical right: it takes a necessary step to be confronted with special care to ensure privacy while the patient has a right.
