Dig into Destiny 2’s biggest season of the chosen secret

I think the general consensus for Destiny 2’s Season of the Chosen is that it’s starting pretty strong. Maybe not necessarily with the activities, as Battlegrounds is good, but nothing particularly groundbreaking. But definitely in terms of the prey hunt, with a bunch of new, great items to check out and a wide variety of places to find it.

We know a certain amount of the road map coming this season. Two new Battlegrounds and one new Strike, but also a promised Tex Mechanica ‘redacted’ exotic quest.

The only thing that has been made public about the exotic quest is that it has something to do with the ship seen below, as it was branded as part of the ‘exotic quest’ in the press kit. But that’s it, there are no other public details of Bungie itself.

But I really wanted to start data mining today, because I think it’s going to generate a significant amount of hype if you at least know the rough sides of what’s going on here. If you prefer to know nothing, I understand that and you can return now. I will not find story spoilers, but I will talk about the nature of the quest that is coming, and what you get for it.

Spoilage follows:

This app comes from the Bungie API and people like it Ginsor and Parisito. Here is a rough description of what we know about the search:

  • The headline is that the upcoming Tex Mechanica quest could presumably be something on the scale of the Whisper mission or Zero Hour. While the Hawkmoon steam farm contains elements of this, it was still mostly existing areas where we had been. This Cabal ship should be a brand new space.
  • It’s also quite a big space, as far as we know, which indicates the kind of expansive search we would expect from a search like Whisper or Zero Hour. It also has the form of ‘you do the mission first and then access the director for it’, as we have seen in the past with this quest.
  • Within the mission, there is a mechanic for ‘open hidden cabinets’ to progress somewhat faster, indicating the pursuit of a catalyst or ship.
  • The enemies on board appear to be both Cabal and Scorn, indicating some sort of conflict there, which would explain the strange appearance of a random Screeb in the Season of the Chosen trailer.
  • There are some clues via our upcoming weekly challenges may gain access to the ship itself as soon as in week 3, but the exotic quest will likely only be launched in week 9. So there may be a story component that does not only a secret mission, though the secret mission will take place here.
  • The Tex Mechanica exotic here is Dead Man’s Tale, a new scout rifle, not First Curse as many predicted. I still do not know what the exotic benefits of it are. The image below is the gun with an ornament on.

To sum up, something pretty big is coming and it probably looks on the scale of a Zero Hour, even past what we saw recently for the Zero Hour-like Hawkmoon farm trip. And that would include Scorn, which we haven’t really dealt with since Versaken. Who taught them to fly spaceships?

Either way, I’m not sorry I knew the information above, because all it does is make me really excited about what’s coming. It is possible that we may see this ship on display in two weeks, but if not, it will arrive later in the season. Stay tuned.

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