Different medical criteria regarding the use of Ivermectina

Due to the massive use that Ivermectina has in the country as preventive as in the treatment of patients with Covid-19, being one of the first countries to receive its application, this antiparasitic drug known from decades ago, Repue generating controversies.

Medicines that are used as a prophylactic treatment and treatment of patients with the virus, ensure that relevant data with very positive results are taken officially by the Ministry of Public Health and have not formally included it in the SARSECTO protocol. CoV-2 produces the enformedad of Covid-19.

Although it is not possible to obtain the date of issue of the product which he sold the pharmacies at the national level, since the beginning of the pandemic this medicine has become very popular in the country, it is indicated only in medical prescriptions, meaning that with frequency form part of the “automation” and that it recovers a large part of the population, unless all the difficulties to access quickly to a diagnostic test.
