Diez mentions that we are talking about what a healthy diet is.

How do you know if it’s healthy? It’s not easy, because there’s a lot of interest in it. Each of these nutritionists and nutritionists alzan la voz in contrast to some habits that we as well as those who, in reality, are not. The only thing that matters is that it takes us a long time to get enough food. the wine is saludable, or that hay that takes lactose because we need calcium in the diet. Sondeverbod, some of these recommendations are obsolete. For example, wine is alcohol and, according to many experts, the amount of cardiovascular substances that can be contained is enough to help us absorb the risk of ingesting a drug that is an alcoholic baby.

As for the lactose, it is true that it contains calcium. But we also eat some fruits, vegetables, sardines … Definitely, we can satisfy the needs of calcium in the diet with other foods that we do not exclude, to give an example, the prestigious ‘Harvard Plateau’ will come to health , of Harvard University, in United States. Thus, the question of how to respond to our health: follow a healthy diet, like the Mediterranean, but the traditional, is to say, our abuos.

You are also medical, dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, a great experiment in the Mediterranean and one of the most prestigious professionals. The specialist, epidemiologist, researcher and cathedral of the University of Navarre, has published the book ‘¿Qué kom? ‘(Ed. Planeta), a manual that we teach to understand what is important to maintain good habits, to detect food bubbles and to recognize the substances that are used for manipulators and acacias that make us feel that they are not safe.

– Leer también: Guía rapida para comer sano (sin morir en el intentiono)

The Mediterranean diet that is healthy

The specialist is dedicated to HOLA! an interview in which we of the most difficult and reliable pawns to empezar, of a vez por todas, a comer más sano. The specialist, aerial defender of the Mediterranean diet, ours to consume real foods. Y ¿cómo distinctions? With no sense in telling you now – I don’t wanna ruin the suprise. Foods that are always included in our diet are those that are not living, for example, the fruits, greens, legumes, etc. And if we consume products with etiquette, we will include them in the list of ingredients that the mayor reflects on and keep what they contain. To give an example, the doctor Martínez-González indicates that 70% of the weight of cocoa is soluble in sugar. And we know that this ingredient should be anecdotal in our diet.

It is also recommended to eliminate the red carcasses and substitute for lean carcasses, or, better, for fishing. For supuesto, at the time of taking fruit, more than entera. And preferably, there are three races to date. When we cook, we make it with olive oil extra virgin extra without taking into account the studies carried out on this Indian food on the contrary. Es decir, not contributing to the increase in weight. However, it does not have the recommended fruits, foods it is highly recommended and, in addition, sugary.

– Leer también: Así puedes entrenar tu cerebro para comer sano y adelgazar

El ‘no milagro’ from the milagro diets

Given these, the specialist is very strong and insists on making any promise that guarantees to lose kilos in record time or with orthodox methods. All you can do is eat these ‘poor’ foods and lose weight fast and malignant, having the rebate effect, in addition to the problems you may have in our health. The best, result, is to become the diet of our abuos, the Mediterranean of Verdad.

The author of the book ‘¿Qué kom?’ we invite you to reflect on our purchase of this treaty and treat that the ultra-processed, packaged foods, with many ingredients and many chemical additives are not our ‘pan of each day’ and we limit very sporadic situations. For example, pizza as a food that we ‘han hecho create’ that is saludable, when in reality it is not.

– Learn tambien: Mistakes that can prevent the sano

The trick of beber wine with moderation

And we will discuss the wine theme, spin for many, but clear for many experts who do not know what it really is: an alcoholic baby. It is true that it is linked to our tradition, which invites to socialization, a more ‘ingredient’ of this Mediterranean style that has been praised for so many years. Sondeverbod, according to the specialist it is not clear that the wine reduces cardiovascular risk. And his recommendation is: if he has no coronation problem: alcohol alcohol.

But you are invited to take a coffee, since it has a caffeine or caffeine, and it is signaled that it has a lot of epidemiological evidence that the coffee reduces death by cardiovascular disease, reduces diabetes, prolongs life, and animates the population and consume coffee.

The catheter also tambius allusion to the egg, a food demonized per saludable and very recommended. So much so that we have to deal with everything we have. And as these ‘false values’ are more.

If you want to know them diez grandes mentiras a las que alude el doctor Ángel Martínez-González, sigue leyendo.

– Leer también: Las mejores dietas para comer sano y adelgazar
