Dieta sana: Add estos kleur a tus platos y comerás más salueerbaar

If you have decided to go on a healthy diet and have no worries about getting pregnant, take note of this advice: color you never and spend foods of all colors. Rojos, verdes, amarillos, narajas, blancos … son los tonos que no deben faltar en tu cesta de la compra ya que te aseguran los diferentes nutrientes que tu corpse necesita. If so, selecting ‘real’ foods, it is said, is not processed. Fruits, greens, cereals, cereals, fish, legumes are the ones that guarantee a good health.

In addition, as our explanations from, the substances that configure this multicolored palette all these foods complement, in addition, different functions. We like the red tomato. It’s thanks to licopeno, an antioxidant. The orange of the tangerine or of the mandarins is devoid of beta-carotene, another antioxidant, and in addition these fruits are characterized by their richness in vitamin C.

– How to affect colors at the time of purchase

Buy foods of all colors too is a experience sensory, as our account of Nutrition. Red colors, orange and emerald and energy, heat, vitality, sensation of optimism. The green, dead and azules transmit more calm, serenity, peace. And the white is a symbol of purity.

Do you have more reasons to lean on these foods? Sell ​​more barato and you can combine sabers and colors and enjoy one of the most creative comedies.

From the hand of Nutrienda nutrition experts, we will find out the properties of these foods and colors.

– 10 foods with antioxidant properties
