Diet: Medicina del estilo de vida: ¿marketing of reality?

Hippocrates defended hace 25 siglos: “What your food is your medicine and your medicine is your food”. Hoy todavía there is such a thing of what many can suffer curse solo with determined high salutes. Surprisingly, according to a survey conducted by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 40% of Americans think that houer can be treated alone with alternative medicine, es decir, sin chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and surgery.

Drug alternative lifestyle: no es lo mismo

There is a tendency in our modern society to use alternative therapies in traditional medicine basados ​​and lo ‘natural’. But there is a bit of confusion between what it is alternative medicine and what is the medicine of the style of life or ‘lifestyle medicine’. The alternative medicine consists in recommending methods or therapeutic techniques that are not found inside the conventional treatments that we realize in traditional medicine and that, in this difference, we have the opportunity to do nothing secondary secondary effects. Here we will include acupuncture, detoxification treatments and trays of specific diets, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, vitamin supplements, ens.

Photo: Unsplash / @tinymountain.
Photo: Unsplash / @tinymountain.

What is ‘lifestyle medicine’?

This type of medicine is based on the style of life, which is very fashionable all over the world, is based on cuidar nuestros hábitos: diet, physical ownership, health, the form of relationships, the way to take care of our mind, our exposure and determination toxic, etc. Many chronic pathologies (diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease, hypertension, depressive or anxiety disorders, etc.) can be prevented and included cure only in our homes. This is only a major of our quality of life, we are one Enormous gastronomic distraction. And there are more clinical trials that demonstrate the efficacy of acquiring these habits.

Have confidence in science

The pandemic has clearly been demonstrated. In less than a year I was able to create one secure security and effective front to this pandemic using the scientific method of clinical trials. Now there is a manufacturer, distributor and administer to the world population, but this is another question, which does not depend on the scientists. Israel, which has been vaccinated since the beginning of the population, has decreased by 0.015% through the second dose of the vaccine.

The problem with alternative medicine is the need for scientific evidence

Personally, it is in contrast to medicine that there are no scientific criteria based on an adequate diagnosis and a treatment that has demonstrated effective clinical trials. This is the problem of alternative medicine: the scientific evidence. In medicine no vale lo de ‘a mí me ha ido bien’. Patients need to understand that if some of these alternative methods work well, traditional medicine demonstrates and rapidly incorporates them into therapeutic arsenal.

Recall a patient who has consulted an ulcer in the mouth and liver treats with herbs, awareness and diet special. We will perform a biopsy and treat it Cancer orally. If you want to have one diagnostic more accurate, this patient was saved.

How do you know if the promise is false?

For this reason, the medicine based on the style of life or ‘lifestyle medicine’ can be a great complement for traditional medicine. Pero Be careful! In these complementary medicines and alternatives to the traditional hay very opportunistic. For this reason, the American Cancer Society recommends patients who are related to the patients alarm signs to detect these frauds:

  • Sospecha de los advertising ads in front of serious series of diseases treated by traditional medicine (vitiligo, párkinson, alzhéimer, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.).
  • Supports of benefits that only ten benefit and no ten secondary effects. Including herbs and vitamins can have secondary effects. Hablaré de esto en un next door.
  • Sospecha de los que promueven Front attacks with consolidated treatment of traditional medicine (examples in dermatology series Roacutan for acne or cortisone for dermatitis).
  • Suspicion of treatments that can only be performed in one clinic, especially if found in countries with one more related legislation. If the treatment really works, there are more clinics that it can cover.
  • Sospecha de las personal stories. What he did to a person could be to blame for many causes, including a spontaneous majority of the property. Confia in medicine based on clinical trials realized in many patients.
  • I found these treatments and they are published in scientific magazines of prestige after having been revised by other scientific experts in the matter. On many occasions, when appearing on social media, books and communication media alone marketing strategies.

A great complement

This medicine is based on “lifestyle medicine” and should not be replaced by the traditional one, which can be a great complement. Take care of your diet, do physical activity, sleep well, manage the stresses, take care of the mind and learn to relate with the demas his habits that make us want to live more and better.

Photo: Unsplash / @ sidbobs.
Photo: Unsplash / @ sidbobs.

The traditional medical devices are designed in a coma transfer these high salutes in our patients, however, it is clear that many times do not take the training or the time to do it. On the other hand, the physicians need to be informed by our patients of any treatment complementary to the realization that may occur on occasion. contraindications. Record a patient who sangró mucho during a surgery skin cancer and the result is that there is a large amount of antioxidant to prevent the contamination, the springs can alter the coagulation capacity of a person.

The skin and the mind, incredibly related

This medicine is the style of living of the special importance in the relationship between the body and mind. As he wrote in an anterior post there is a fascinating relationship between the skin and mind. Lots of players on the pitch (eczema, alopecia, psoriasis, ens) empeoran con determinados estados de animo. On the other hand, many cutaneous changes (vitiligo, angiomas, acne) can produce anxiety, depression and lack of self-esteem. Hecho, the cells of the skin and the neurons are the derivatives of the different embryonic cells.

The example of the Mayo Clinic

Record the entrance hall of the Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota. When one enters the lobby of the main edification (Golda Building), with a studied intention to create a good first impression, one is located in a space with double altar, diaphragm, luminous and with a large piano. I am surprised that patients are constantly being cared for and tocaban de forma espontánea el piano and occasionally ‘arranged’ some spontaneous to kantar. A vow was presented to an opera singer, a patient of the clinic, who could sing in the lobby while a spontaneous form of singing was sung and accompanied by the piano. The people, I include, contemplate the scene with the humble islands. In the Mayo Clinic defienden that the art favor the curation (lo llaman Art & Healing). It is another way to take care of the mind, especially in situations that are stressful as you can experience a feeling of loneliness.

Photo: Unsplash / @ gregoryallen.
Photo: Unsplash / @ gregoryallen.

In summary, the medicine based on the style of life (‘Lifestyle Medicine’) is not an alternative a la traditional medicine, sino un complement to the health needs that require them new times. Appreciate what we come up with, how we focus on physical activity, mind-body connections, how we relate, how we manage stress, what toxins are exposures, and how our foods inspire our ability increase our quality of life, prevent illness and envejecer mejor.

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On occasion, the doctors do not have the training or the resources needed to manage these changes in the style of life of the patients. Try to introduce these healthy habits should be a priority in any health care system, and is the basis of the world of preventive medicine. The covid-19 nos has shown crude form the importance of having a good state of personal health to make front to determination of infections. Moreover, it seems that these high-altitude health benefits are enormous costs to the system, and that this type of medicine is only effective, but no es cara. Quizá the revolution of medicine consisted of turning in its directions. La verdadera futuro personalized medicine need to bazaar to send to the patient, listen, educate and motivate to get well, to realize regular physical activity, to sleep well, to not expose to toxic determinants and maintain an adequate social relationship. Vivimos tiempos donde es priority is to maintain a balance between our mind and our body to be able to support them emotional heredity of this pandemic.
