Diet healthy for your thyroid: These are foods that can help

Antes de conocer como influence the diet in the good functioning of the thyroid and what food or plants we can consume to increase its function, it is important to understand that it is glorious that it is found in the well.

Esta glándula produce, a partir de yodo, the hormones encapsulated in the regulation of the use and distribution of corporate energy. Specifically, according to Melio, the thyroid gland produces two types of hormones, thyroxine T4 and triiodothyronine T3. The balance of thyroid hormones is important for proper metabolic function.

Hecho, important aspects like the rcorporal temperature regulation, energy consumption, appetite, sleep and, including, the character depends on a good thyroid function.

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How does diet affect the well-being of the thyroid gland?

“When the gland produces more hormones than the deberia, there appears to be a tornado known as hyperthyroidism; means that the deficit production of the places to lie in hypothyroidism“, the explanatory Andrea Hernangómez and Andrea Báguena, nutritionists at

Ambos trastornos require a specific medical treatment, which includes a series of dietary modifications enfocadas to mitigate the symptoms that can appear when these hormonal imbalances (increase the weight loss, mass loss …

– Why do thyroid problems affect me the most?
