Diet, food and advice that will ensure the health of your children

Loose rhinos complete an essential functionin our body, it eliminates waste and liquids. Quizá not the performance attention and only repairs in them when appearing the enfermedad. But on days like today, World War II, we are trying to record those salutary highs that we are helping to preserve a good renal salute. And the healthy diet, for example, is one of the most important factors when we do not overcome a pathology. Including when there is a drainage problem, proper nutrition is also part of the treatment. As well as the doctor Manuel Angoso, nephrologist and head of the Checkers Unit of Vithas Valencia on October 9, to take care of the health of the rhinoceros has to post on a diet rich in salt and animal proteins, so as to avoid processed foods and let them contendan sal “.

– How to choose a healthy, varied and balanced diet?

For his part, Dr. José Luis Neyro, a gynecologist at the Hospital de Cruces, in Bilbao, the diet in chronic renal diseases should be carefully individualized, because each patient is a world and the amount of protein and the type of measures that each should consume should be valued meticulously by the nephrologist who controls his or her illness. It is less important in the patient transplanted with excision, but it is crucial in that it is dialysis. For now, there are no general standards in this sense, “she said.

But, as we say, a video style salueerbaar can reduce the risk of kidney disease. These are the tips of the experts.

– Healthy diet: 8 fruits and vegetables with curative power
