Die New York Band will train new themes in its first virtual concert

The popular gang merenguera The New York Band protagonizes the Saturday, March 27, its virtual concert and runs of the platform https://newyorkbandlive.com at 20:00, the occasion in which there is a record of the songs and shared with the public the most recent musical creations with which he has continued in the band of lies of the fall of Cherito, voz leader of the orchestra.

The New York Band for the World”Promotes a stage in unforgettable stage, which will comprise the best of the performances and the orchestra’s repertoire in its various stages, as well as new musical themes, from the platform of one of the best Northwestern television studios to its streaming broadcast to the largest legion of admirers and followers of planetary aggregation.

The production, transmission and administration of this conciero are subject to the responsibility of mediaXtreme LLC, a company owned by Dominicans, and conformed by a large team working in New York, United States, as well as the Dominican Republic, and of 15 years in the streaming business, offering productions with cutting-edge technology, with the talents of the Dominican diaspora in the city.

A team of professionals led by Chery Jiménez guarantees the quality of the stage performance of the new stage of the orchestra. To access the concert the public must pay up to $ 16 dollars and the cup is limited.

For this concert, The New York Band also presents new themes and videos that are available from its official channel on Youtube. The grouping on this occasion presents three titles titled: “Love in Silence”, Bachata pop-mex, performed by Irisneyda, iconic figure of the grouping; another song: “Qué piensas Tú que yo”, a merengue, performed by Alexandra Taveras, another iconic figure of the band, who played an important role between the years 88 to 92, which appeared as a special guest; and the other song, a new version of the hit “Colé”, now with a new title: “Mamá no quiere que yo colé”, the vocal part performed by Iris and Franklin, and the rap by Rubén Ariel y Maité.

The new themes will be released in January 15 on all digital platforms. The production of a musical and a video, a load of José Chery Jiménez, and both the direction and edition of Joseph Medina.

The New York Band, one of the most important tropical gatherings of the last decades’ merengue, hoping for this concert of “The New York Band For The World”, possesses a fruity and emotional reunion with its fanatical amplitude of all times , at the age of 35 in music.
