Did you survive Covid? Maybe you can thank your ancestors from Neanderthal

Researchers have found a genetic mutation that reduces the risk of serious Covid-19 infection by about 22%. It was found in all the samples they took from Neanderthal DNA, and in about 30% of the samples from people of European and Asian origin.

The genetic region involved affects the body’s immune response to RNA viruses such as the coronavirus, as well as the West Nile virus and hepatitis C virus, the researchers reported Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“This region encodes proteins that activate enzymes that are important during infections with RNA viruses,” they wrote.

It could be one of the mutations passed down through the millennia because it helps people survive, reported Svante Paabo and Hugo Zeberg of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.

“We show that a haplotype on chromosome 12, which is associated with a 22% decrease in the relative risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 if infected by SARS-CoV-2, is inherited from Neanderthals, “they write. “The relative risk of needing intensive care is reduced by about 22% per copy of the Neanderthal haplotype,” they added.

“This haplotype is very common in all regions of the world outside Africa,” they added. “It occurs in populations in Eurasia and the Americas at frequencies that often reach and exceed 50%.”

The finding may help explain why black patients suffer from so much more severe coronavirus disease. Neanderthals, who became extinct about 40,000 years ago, lived with modern humans in Europe and Asia, but not in Africa, and people of pure African descent do not carry Neanderthal DNA. Studies estimate that about 2% of DNA in people of European and Asian descent can be traced back to Neanderthals.

How Neanderthal DNA Affects Human Health - Including Risk of Covid-19

The team used samples taken from more than 2,200 live humans with severe cases of coronavirus or similar controls. They found a genetic region that affects susceptibility to serious diseases. They then checked the DNA taken from the skeletons of four old people – a 70,000-year-old Neanderthal man from Siberia, a 50,000-year-old Neanderthal man from Croatia, a 120,000-year-old Neanderthal man from Denisova Cave in Siberia and a 80,000-year-old monster from the same place of a Denisovan – another subspecies of the old man. All four samples had the same versions of that genetic sequence.

Last year, Paabo and Zeberg identified a genetic mutation inherited from Neanderthals that increases the risk of serious diseases. As with most traits, susceptibility to disease and serious outcomes are affected by a variety of genetic differences.
