Did Raphy Pina have a chance to buy Normandy?

The urban music producer Raphy Pina is interested in buying the Hotel Normandie, or at least he has been told to join his social speeches.

“Pregunta? Is Normandy on sale? ”, Fue el texto -en ima de imagen- que colocó el empresario en su cuenta de Instagram.

“How clear it is that we are restoring one! Que me ‘llamen’ (phone emoji) ”, written by Pina.

Among those responding to the publication is the current producer Paco López, whose contest “I have always bought the time, but he has nothing to do, per me.”

The antigua hospice is in the midst of a hurricane since last week, when representative Gewilde Ángel Matos announced his proposal to expropriate and demolish the Normandy Hotel in San Juan. The famed hospice, declared a historical monument in 1980, closed in 2009 and is currently in poor condition.
