Did Randy Orton launch Alexa Bliss On Fire on WWE Raw?

The last Monday Night Raw of 2020 went off the air with Randy Orton threatening to set Alexa Bliss on fire, but the episode cut black before fans could see what happened. Halfway through the show, Orton appears in The Firefly Fun House and attacks all of Bray Wyatt’s puppets while Bliss stands helpless in the ring. She challenges him to some kind of confrontation later that evening, which eventually leads to her handing him a can of gasoline and a box of matches. She dared “The Viper” to do to her what he did to The Fiend at TLC, and went so far as to immerse herself in the gas.

Orton maliciously said he wanted to do it, but hesitated because he did not want to give Bliss exactly what she wanted. Suddenly the lights went out in the arena (usually the arrival of The Fiend). Instead, the camera flashed to Orton to hold a match in the middle of the ring shrouded in darkness, indicating that he (or not) had dropped the match and set Bliss on fire. .

This story develops …
