Diablo 2: Resurrected first gets a single player alpha, then a multiplayer stress test

You can sign up for the Diablo 2: Resurrected alpha right now, but Blizzard did not provide much detail on what to expect from this early look at the game. But now the developers have confirmed to us that two alpha tests are planned before launch. First we get a single player alpha, then there is a stress test that focuses on more than one player

“We’re going to start with a single-player technical alpha, and then we have a second technical alpha, which is a kind of multiplayer and stress testing,” Chris Lena, lead producer, said in an interview. Both of these tests will, of course, take place before the Diablo 2: Resurrected release date later this year. “But,” Lena adds, “that’s all we have specifically.”

These alphas, of course, will begin to shape the future of Risen One. Lena says the door is open for things like balance changes to keep the game alive for a modern society – as players indeed indicate that they want it to happen. Either way, that process begins with alphas.

You can sign up for the alpha over on the official website.

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With the release date of Diablo 4 (finally), there is quite a bit of potential goodness on the way for the Diablo diehards. (And hey, it sounds like Immortal might be good, too.)
