“Diabetics do not need to take Metformina medication without consulting their doctor”

To ensure a better quality of life requires some supplements for patients who are better than their prognosis while changing habits.

Dr. Leticia Hernández, President-elect of the Puertorriqueña Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology.

Treatments for some chronic conditions are administered in an individualized form and depending on how well the patient is evolving with respect to enfermedad, when an individual is diagnosed with diabetes, in general, the attenuation doctor recommends changing some dietary habits and selecting nutrients that the person regularly consumes glucose.

When certain cases do not exist, some of the patient’s majorities have some basic recommendations such as: foods, supplements or medicines, initiate with treatment enfocado y in this case with metformin, pharmacy specialized in the management of diabetes cuya function is centralized in the insulin that suele affects by condition.

In an interview with the Journal of Medicine and Public Health (MSP), Dr. Leticia Hernández, President-elect of the Puerto Rican Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology, explains the function of the method, the type of administration and the benefits for the patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

“Metformina is one of the medicines that is recommended by the principal in the treatment of type 2 diabetes which is the change in the style of life the animals have a healthy diet and regular exercise for the treatment of diabetes. The metformin helps to control one of the main defects of type 2 diabetes which is insulin resistance which means that it helps that our tejidos can better use the insulin and also prevent the release of glucose from the hygiene that is which means that our levels of glucose are lower in the body, ”explained the director of electricity.


Thanks to preliminary studies of the metformin there is a predisposition to avoid manifesting diabetes, in which water patients he has been diagnosed with a risk factor for creating “immunity” in the pathology pathology, assimilating the amount of administration should be essential to ensure a good functioning of the pharmacy.

“The metformin is used from the pre-diabetes stage and there is a study that the diabetes prevention is found that the metformin has the probability of developing diabetes at 10 years in patients with pre-diabetes by 31%. Patients with diabetes use a dose of 150 mg twice a day, which is the dose tested in studies that have a beneficial metabolic effect in the prevention of diabetes in patients who have diabetes. For patients with diabetes, they should use a dose of 1,000 mg twice a day, this is the adequate dose, ”said doctor Hernandez.

Diabetes and fallo nier

When diabetes has advanced considerably as explained by the doctor, the method can cause some secondary effects if consumed in a rational way and at least less than one principle.

“Patients suffering from advanced renal failure have a rationing rate of less than 45 in these metformin doses are reduced to mean that they may have a congenital complication such as lactic acidosis related to renal failure when use the medicine the probability that you can be mayor ”, indicated.


The pharmacy is recommended as the first line of therapy for the patients that he developed diabetes, assimilation for those advanced diagnostic, without embarrassment, the amount administered varies according to the advance of the individual in the possible complications that are present during the enfermedad.

“In the Mayor of the houses is recommended as the first line of treatment, but if he has a patient with a fallo nier advanced usually does not start with this treatment from the principle and the patient and the use is eliminated and is considered another drug with the end of which there are no problems ”, the doctor added. Además asegura: “This is a drug that can be used from a primary moment, it is an economical drug, does not produce weight and the majority of new drug investigations are in addition to the method and apart from a drug that is safe to use”.
